truth or dare

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as as we walked through the door, madeleine was playing on her phone while sitting on a chair facing us as if she has been waiting for us. when she saw us, she jumped up and screamed "THEY'RE HERE!". five boys came running down the hallway and absorbed miley and i into a huge group hug. it took everything in me to not die on the spot. i wish mads were here to experience this with me. as we pulled away from the hug, tristan was the first to speak up.

"wow, i am so glad you're real!" he said. i giggled as i turned to face miguel who had a "what the hell" kind of look on his face.

"yeah last time it got really weird" brady added, "he walked through this same door completely alone but was convinced there was girl with him. imaginary inez" he couldn't even finish his sentence without laughing. miguel leaned down to my ear and whispered,

"they're kidding. you're the first one to meet my friends". i blushed.

"wow she's even prettier in person" jacob spoke up. miguel shot him a look. "jeez okay okay" jacob added.

as i laughed, madeleine grabbed me by the arm and lead me down the hallway to a huge movie room and everyone else followed. it had three big red couches surrounding a huge screen. there was also a cotton candy machine and a popcorn machine. masons house was HUGE so it honestly didn't surprise me, but i was in awe. where i lived, my house was considered big, and the entirety of my home was probably the same size as this movie room.

all the lights were on, and instead of a movie on the screen, they were listening to music. they were listening to taylor swift. fearless was playing as we all sat down. the couches were all around the walls of the room, i was on the left couch in the middle of miguel and mason. on the middle couch was brady, jacob and tristan, and on the right couch was madeleine and banks.

brady picked up the tv remote and turned down the song. "so... truth or dare anyone?" he asked. everyone smiled and agreed, except for
miguel, he knew what was coming. "awesome!" he added.

"ally, truth or dare?" he asked me

"truth" i responded

"how did you and miguel meet?"

i sat awkwardly before answering, "my mom had just gotten a new phone number, i typed it in wrong and it happened to be a famous persons number."

"oh so he wasn't lying" banks said as we all laughed.

"your turn to ask" tristan said while nodding towards me.

"hm. madeleine, truth or dare?"


i giggled at my question before even asking it, "what did your parents think of all the swearing you did in the black phone? like i think my grandma would have an aneurysm." everyone laughed, but it was an honest question.

"my mom thought it was really funny but my dad hated it. they know id never talk to anyone like that though. i personally enjoyed it." she answered as she was giggling

"mason, truth or dare." madeleine asked.


"i dare you to text that girl you've been obsessing over" she said. all of the boys laughed.

"yeah, do it"

"come on mase"

mason looked at me and handed me his phone, i put in mads number. "what do i even say" he asked, sounds nervous.

tristan spoke up, "ooh ooh i got it. just say 'marry me'. i did it once"

"that makes a lot of sense" madeleine said. as brady and jacob lost it.

"how about, 'hey mads, it's mason'?" i said while laughing.

"oh yeah that works too" said tristan.

"sent!" mason said as we all smiled. not even a second later, my phone goes off.

madsallyomgshetexyed meally hehelpmasonjust texted me

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allyomgshetexyed me
ally he
just texted me

his friends convinced him
i guess he's been talking abt you

oh i'm gonna faint

hurry and text him back
keep me updated

as everyone else kept talking, i turned to face miguel

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as everyone else kept talking, i turned to face miguel. he'd been incredibly quiet and hadn't said a word since we'd gotten there. i grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze as i laid my head on his shoulder. he smiled and squeezed my hand. everyone else must have noticed because all of the sudden i hear mason say

"miguel, truth or dare."


"i dare you to kiss ally"

i laughed and said "wow really you couldn't have thought of anyth-"

miguel grabbed my cheek and turned me to face him, before leaning in and kissing me, dragging it on to be as long and dramatic as possible. all the boys laughed as i pulled away giggling. i didn't even need to look at my cheeks to know they were red.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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