cup of flowers

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mikeys pov
i woke up this morning and picked up my phone. saturday october 1st, 2022. as i read these words, ally popped into my head. i wanted to make sure this october was the best she'd ever had. as i waited around nervously, i cleaned my whole house. i told my parents all about ally and they were so excited to meet her. last night i had made sure to dig out the old halloween decorations and decorated every inch of the house. i wanted it to be perfect.

ally's pov
as we pulled up to miguels house, a sudden wave of nervousness flushed across me. yeah, we had talked everyday since the last time we'd seen eachother in person, but what if he didn't think i was pretty anymore? what if he didn't like me? what if his parents didn't like me? i sat there for about a minute until coco spoke up.

"al, what are you waiting for?" she said while laughing.

i sighed and laughed as i got out of the car. i started walking around to the trunk when i heard the house's door open. it was miguel, before i knew it he was running at me for a hug. he lifted me up and spin me around. i knew i was overthinking, he was actually excited to see me.

"hermosa!! i've missed your face so much!" he says giving me a kiss on the forehead. i said nothing, just looked at him and blushed. he always knew how to make me feel seen.

as miguel helped me move my bags from the car to the house, coco gave me one final wave before driving off. in this moment i was excited to know that there was a whole weekend ahead of me.

i walked into the house with miguel to see his mom, dad, and little brother in the kitchen.

"hello! you must be ally!" his mom said, gesturing towards me.

i smiled and laughed "yes, so nice to meet you mr. and mrs. cazarez mora."

"please, call us sofia and gabriel." she said politely.

"and you must be mario!" i said, walking towards his little brother who was playing. "i love lego too!"

"new halloween set." he said, turning his back on me to continue building. i laughed

"okay al, let's go." miguel said with a slight giggle.

as i looked around his house, it wasn't as big as i thought it would be for someone famous. it looked like a real home. there were many pictures of their happy family around the house, and it was decorated for halloween. it smelled of cinnamon and campfire.

but when miguel opened his bedroom door, i was even more amazed.

his walls were a pale shade of grey, almost white. on his walls were many posters. bands, movies, art. it reminded me a lot of my own room. as i looked around i noticed a lot of little things. things that mattered to him. a picture of him with the cast of the black phone, a guitar, and a collection of bandanas. this boy seemed more like robin everyday. but as i finally sat on his bed, i saw something on his bedside table.

it was a cup full of flowers and water. one of almost every kind you can buy in stores. half looking wilted and dehydrated, the others looking vibrant and lively.

"what are these?" i asked.

"your flowers. one from every bouquet i've ever given you." he responded. i shot him a confused look.

"i always keep one flower out of every bouquet i buy for you and put it in this cup so i know when it starts to die, it's time to get you new ones." he said, looking at me with his dazzling brown eyes.

nothing anyone had ever said to me meant more than this. i didn't know how to respond. i couldn't respond. i leaned in for a kiss. as i pulled away, i looked at the flowers again. this time noticing a picture inside of a white frame. it was the photo of miguel and i kissing, from the night we watched the sunset.

"nobody has ever done anything this nice for me before." i told mikey.

"somebody has to do it." he said sarcastically while pulling me to lay down alongside him on his bed.

WRONG NUMBER... miguel cazarez mora 😍Where stories live. Discover now