meeting mason

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sorry i died for like a year. if y'all are interested in me continuing this then i will, but if not maybe i should let it die. pls let me know!!!!


we must have fallen asleep as we were all cuddled up when i got there, because when i opened my eyes, it was dark. there was someone standing at the foot of the bed.

"OH MY GOD." i screamed, absolutely not expecting to see anyone lurking. 

"what the-" mikey said groggily, just waking up.

it was mason, he was laughing hysterically. "holy shit mason" i said, catching my breath.

"sorry ally, i didn't mean to scare you" he said still giggling. "miguel said you were coming over after school today, but then wouldn't answer any of my messages. i took matters into my own hands and decided to just come over."

"what the hell.. how long have you been in my house?" miguel asked

"ah like ten minutes maybe" mason responded

"you've been watching us sleep for ten minutes" i asked

"didn't have the heart to wake you up." he said

"well, nice to really meet you mason!" i said, sitting up.

"yes you too, but i have a quick question." mason says, sitting on the end of the bed. "that friend you have a picture with on your instagram, is she, i don't know, single?"

"mads!!! um, yeah i think she is." i say, trying to not make her seem too unavailable. 

" oh okay cool. cool."

"why do you ask?" miguel says, shooting me a look that lets me know he's in on my plan.

"well i don't know. she's really cute and i was just wondering."

"that's kinda crazy because i actually brought this for you to sign." i say as i get the poster out, "don't worry, she's not some crazy super fan. she doesn't know i brought this, but she really loves the black phone and definitely thinks you're really cute."

"oh- really?" mason asked sounding excited. he grabbed a pen from miguel's desk and signed the poster saying "to mads, love mason" with a heart.

i texted mads immediately.

aldon't freak out

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don't freak out...

you know you can't just text me that

but i am currently standing in the same room as mason

you are one lucky bitch.

so are you


if you really wanna know
he woke me up to ask me if you were single

if you're joking this won't end well for you

i swear on my life.
he told me he thinks you're really cute and he was wondering if you had a boyfriend.


okay okay i will

oh my god you're the best!!!
double dates for life

guess next time mikey comes up he'll have to bring mason 😉

al guess next time mikey comes up he'll have to bring mason 😉

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i checked my watch and it read 8:23 pm. we told mason to get out and that we'd be over at his house for 9:30 with the rest of the gang.

as i tried to get out of bed, mikey pulled me back down. i giggled as i turned to lay facing him. we sat there like that for a few minutes before i started tracing lines on his arm with my finger. he grabbed my cheek and pulled me in for a kiss. we kissed for a while in bed before i pulled away.

"as much as i love this, i really need to get cleaned up if i want to meet your friends." i stated.

"baby you know you don't need to impress anyone" he assures me.

"at least let me straighten my hair" i say, taking it out of the braid i had put it in before i left school.

"can i do it?" miguel asks in a small voice.

"you wanna straighten my hair?" i asked, a little shocked.

"yeah" he said, sounding a little unsure.

i agreed, and plugged in my straightener in his bathroom. i stood as mikey carefully straightened each individual strand. he was so gentle with my hair and i could tell he felt nervous. my hair actually didn't look too bad, he did a pretty good job. i gave him a kiss on the cheek as his reward while i thanked him. i ran back to his room and threw on the black hoodie he'd left at my house, a pair of blue baggy jeans, and my new balances before leaving. the clock said 9:17, we figured that was close enough. we walked over to masons house, but i stopped before entering.

"something wrong?" miguel asked.

"not really, it's just... what if they don't like me? or what if they're disappointed." i asked back.

"trust me ally, you have absolutely nothing to worry about."

WRONG NUMBER... miguel cazarez mora 😍Where stories live. Discover now