october first

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*time skip to october first*

maybe it was all in my head, but waking up on the first of october made me feel real. it's like no other point in the year mattered, my whole life was measured in october's. i'd wait around all year until i saw pumpkins on doorsteps, leaves on the ground, halloween movies playing through the window of a neighbours house, and costumes in stores.

this particular morning felt a little different. me being me, i had decorated my room for halloween before i had fallen asleep. i couldn't help myself, i've been counting down the minutes to this moment.

as i woke up in a black silk pj set, i looked around my orange and white room, admiring my previous hard work. all around me was many bouquets of flowers sent to me by miguel, i had gotten a new one every week. a new kind everytime. my eyes stayed at the black phone poster on my wall. mason and miguel. mads would be so jealous i had that, but little did she know i'd already bought her one, and would have a certain someone sign it for her.

i got up and made my bed, this always made me feel better and today i felt extremely motivated. i had woken up exceptionally early so after doing my makeup and putting on orange jeans with a white cropped crewneck and some white converse, i curled my hair. i left it half up half down with a white bow ribbon in the back. i grabbed everything i needed for the day and ran downstairs.

i sat down, grabbed a cup of coffee and ate my breakfast alone. wheeze and coco had left early to stop for starbucks. i ate alone at the table. it was quite peaceful. as i sat and ate my toast, i listened to mary by alex g through my airpods. alex g always made me feel like it was finally october.

i cleaned up and grabbed my bag before walking out the door. mads was already walking towards my house.

"hey al! happy october!"

"i wonder if people think it's weird we treat this month like it's christmas." i said laughing at her.

"i don't mind. i don't even like christmas." she said back.

as we walked to school she brought up me going to miguel's later that night.

"oh shit, is that today already?" i joked.

"oh shut up you've been crossing off the days on your calendar, i know you've been waiting for this." she said, sounding serious. "i'm really glad you're happy al."

"ew shut up don't get all sappy on me." i said back. i was partially joking but i sounded serious. i've always felt uncomfortable in situations like that.

*time skip*

mads had an appointment during last period so today i got picked up from school by coco. my sister had no sense of time. no matter what time you tell her she'll show up at least thirty minutes late. so since school was out at 4, i told her 3:30. as i walked out of the doors i saw her car parked along the side of the road. i had already packed all my bags into the car this morning knowing i wouldn't have the chance to go home. i hopped into the passenger seat happier than ever. coco didn't say anything. she just looked at me and smiled. i could tell she was glad i'm happy.

"you know where you're going?" i asked her, laughing.

"yeah no actually not at all please put it into google maps" she answered super fast.

"yeah okay thought so" i said back.

the whole drive to miguel's was spent screaming to music and laughing. she asked me a lot of questions in the hours it took us to get there. co and i were close, but never as close as we had gotten after this drive. she told me about her love life, past and current relationships, and how things were when she was my age. i told her all about miguel and i and how things at school are. none of which are things i would usually tell anyone. it felt nice to talk about it.
sorry filler chapter HAVENT UPDATED IN FOREVER i will have more tonight i promise

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