21 questions

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as the school day ended, i still had music playing in my ears. i hated the silence. i hated being alone, but listening to music made me feel like i was never really alone. it gave me a sense of comfort, especially in school. before i knew it, the dismissal bell rang. after the little incident today, i felt better about being at school even with valerie there.

i walked to mads locker while she grabbed a couple things before we left.

"wanna stop by grab n go for slushies?" i asked mads.

"is that even a question?" she asked, smiling.

by this point we were sharing airpods, listening to the same song. head over heels by tears for fears again. all the feelings from this morning came back and i was happier than ever. today was good.

we walked into grab n go and saw mandy. she was always working the cash, we've come here almost everyday after school since elementary. mandy knows us quite well.

"how was the first day?" she asked, sounding genuinely intrigued.

"some bitch tried to beat ally up and she dodged her and it was totally badass. wait a sec-" she said while pulling up the video.

mandy watched it closely while i poured my blue slushy.

"valerie montana???" mandy exclaimed. "yeah. definitely badass. both slushies are free. i'm proud hun." she said looking me in the eyes

mads and i exchanged a look before squealing. we ran around the counter and gave mandy a group hug. "thank you thank you thank you!!" mads and i said in sync.

"have a good night girls, get home safely!" mandy shouted as we skipped out of the store. by now two of hearts by stacey q was playing, mads and i were singing along on an all-time high. we went our seperate ways home at the crosswalk.

"bye mads, loooove you."

"bye al, looooove you. "

i ran inside, connected my music to my google home and jumped on my bed.

september 7th 4:03 pm

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september 7th 4:03 pm

hey mikey, what's up?

was waiting around for you to text actually...
how was the rest of school

honestly wasn't too bad, my classes are shit and i don't have mads in any of them.
i have this one girl i hate more than anything in my third period.
she makes me sick.
but mandy at grab n go gave me a free slushy so it wasn't all that bad.
however rn is the first time i'm able to fully process miguel following me.
i am shocked.

awesome, doesn't sound bad i don't think...
idk i've never been to school.
i've always been homeschooled.
i'm sure i'd hate it though.

WRONG NUMBER... miguel cazarez mora 😍Where stories live. Discover now