♡ Chapter 5 ♡

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Last night, I could hardly sleep at all.

It's a little difficult after witnessing something so horrible.

I tossed and turned. Took two melatonins. But I just couldn't sleep after that.

And now all day, I've been out, avoiding my dad. I skipped breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And I just sit at a café with my laptop, researching things about my dad.

But I sip my coffee with my eyes glued to the screen over the quiet music that plays. But nothing besides good things comes up. Joesph Blanc donates 5 million dollars to charity. Joseph Blanc opens a new chain of restaurants. Joesph Blanc-

I sigh and shut my laptop. I intertwine my fingers together and rest my chin on it, my foot tapping up and down.

My dad's smart. He's a businessman, and has been in the mafia ever since I was born. Of course he's always going to cover his tracks.

My eyes move to the clock. 11:30 pm.

I grab my things and put a $20 down on the table. I drive through the night, to go and talk to the one person I knew I could get real answers from.

There's not a single person here, besides me, when I arrive. I walk down the stairs, and pull the door to Reese's cell open.

He was sitting on the bed, but raises to his feet at my presence.

"Azalea...where have you been today? Are you okay?" he asks me while looking me up and down.

I walk over to him, and only stop once I'm directly in front of him. He watches me carefully as I take a moment to be able to talk.

"I saw my dad get a child killed last night," I tell him, and he doesn't look surprised at my words. "Can you tell me the exact reason why he has you here?"

He looks me up and down once I told him what I saw, as if he were trying to see if anything happened to me.

And once he saw that I was fine, he met my eyes again.

"When I first came here, he wanted me to work for him. I said fuck no. So, he threw my name into a heavy murder trial in an attempt to get me arrested for it. So I killed everybody involved in it, and have been killing your father's men ever since," he tells me. "And I won't ever stop. Because that's what happens to people that try and fuck me over."

I don't ask any further questions about the trial. After seeing what happened last night, I believed that my dad would do that.

My vision turns a little dark and fuzzy, but I blink it away.

"I told you, Azalea," he says softly. "If you look for answers, you aren't going to be happy with what you find."

I look to the ground for a moment. But he grabs my chin and forces me to look back up. He asks, "Are you okay?"

I force a nod even though I'm not, "Yes, of course - how are your cuts doing?"

He gives me a look that seems like he doesn't believe me, but he drops it.

"They're fine. Thank you for helping me," he takes a pause in his sentence for a moment while his dark eyes dance around my face. "I've never had anybody help me before."

As his sentence comes to an end, my vision turns dark and fuzzy again. But this time, I can't blink it away. My legs feel weak, as if they could collapse at any moment, and I reach out and grab Reese's forearm for balance.

But it's not enough, and my vision goes black for a moment as I fall forward. I feel Reese catch me, and his voice sounds distant as he says my name repeatedly.

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