♡ Chapter 33 ♡

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~ Azalea POV ~

I sit on the couch with Bubbles laying on my stomach while I watch TV.

I laugh at a joke from the movie while my fingertips ran through Bubbles' fur.

Today was a day that I had been looking forward to for a while now. Valentine's Day.

Reese went out to the store to get us Chinese food for dinner tonight. I asked him if I could go since I hadn't been outside since the day I got shot. But he still says it's too dangerous.

I can walk again now. It may be a little painful, but I can do it. Unassisted, too.

I have my plan ready, on how to take down my dad. But Reese said he didn't wanna hear a word about it come out of my mouth until I was able to walk completely normally again.

The azaleas that Reese got me sat in the most beautiful vase in front of me. I smiled while looking at them, although I smiled more when Reese showed me that he got my name tattooed earlier.

I wonder what he's doing right now, anyway.

~ Reese POV ~

I shoot out the car's tire. It goes veering off the road, and crashes into the side of the building, denting the bricks.

But I can't let up on the gas. The Mercedes behind me is catching up, the front of their car now reaching the back of mine in the other lane.

I keep going at 120. Since I'm in the left lane, and they're in the right, I can't fucking shoot them. They try and line up their car with mine so that they can shoot me through the window but I don't let them.

I push the gas to 140. Once I'm able to, I cut them off, making them slam on their brakes. I keep going at my speed, stick my arm out my window, and fire three shots at them.

Now, I've officially got everybody on the list.

Azalea doesn't know this but once we got home after she got shot, I used my memory of the men's faces to work until I found their names. And now, I've killed them all.

I slow my speed down as I change roads. I check the back seat, and swear, "Fuck."

Those motherfuckers made the soup spill in the bag.

I stop at the next Chinese food place I see so that I can get Azalea a new one. Part of the reason why was because I didn't wanna have to lie to her about what I was doing and why it spilled, and the other is just because I'm completely fucking obsessed with her.

I get out of the car and step out into the cool February air. The city is noisy like always.

People walking on the sidewalk slow their speed down when they look at me. My eyebrows lower, wondering why the fuck they're looking at me. People in New York don't even look at a homeless person singing opera with a rat on their head.

I bend down to look in my car mirror and quickly realize it's because one of the dickheads I killed left some of their blood splatter on my face. I wipe it off of my tan skin and run a hand through my black hair to smooth it out. 

I go inside, get a new soup, and then get back into my car. The back right door is dented in from one of them ramming their cars into mine, but I don't think Azalea will notice before I get it fixed. Mostly because I've put her on house arrest. Not only because I want her to heal, but because Joesph is still out there. And after shooting her, I wouldn't put it past him to do worse.

I feel the need to shelter her. To protect her from the danger. To have her stay at my house, where she's safe. But I know that I can't, because I can only keep her there for so long, until she's gonna wanna shoot the shot at Joesph. 

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