♡ Chapter 27 ♡

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~ Azalea POV ~

Three cops have attempted to pull over Reese and failed.

He has lost all of them. I have no idea how he's able to have such good control of the car when it's flying down the road so fast.

The nerves, the fear, the worry, all feel suffocating in the car. With how fast we're going I can't even make out a single car that's driving by.

Every time that the clock changes to the next minute feel like it takes an hour.

If my dad hurts his brother at all, he's not living past tonight.

Reese takes the next exit and the tires skid as he turns on the ramp. I hold the dashboard in front of me as he starts speeding down this road.

I don't really know where we are. I couldn't read any of the signs we passed on the way here, but I knew that it was a different city than New York City.

The number of cars on the road was lower and the buildings were shorter. There was more nature, too.

My heart pounds with adrenaline as I watch the clock tick to the next minute.

In this situation, even one minute could mean the difference between life and death. Being just one minute short could mean the difference between a bullet in Reese's brother's head, or my dad's.

The car comes to a screeching stop and I would've eaten the dashboard if my seatbelt wasn't done up. Reese jumps out of the car and I follow quickly behind him. The Winter wind attacks us, whipping our hair around, biting at our skin, and blowing our clothes. I squint my eyes as the wind makes them tear up.

I was so focused on following Reese that I didn't even notice that it wasn't a house we were at. It was a school.

But I wasn't going to distract or bother Reese with questions, so I trusted what he was doing and followed him.

He pushes the door to the school open with both hands, making the door hit the wall. I follow him into the warm building. The walls are covered with lockers, the floor is shiny, and it just smells like a high school.

Reese keeps walking and I follow him into the gym. A group of teenage boys played basketball in uniforms, and parents, friends, and siblings watched on the bleachers.

A boy in a blue uniform ran past three people wearing red with the ball, and tossed it into the net. The ball went it, swooshing through the net and dozens of people on the bleachers cheered.

A loud buzzing noise rang through the room. Although I didn't watch sports that much, I knew that the game was over. The blue team won, and started giving each other high fives.

The boy that had scored the last point had a wide smile on his face. His face was tainted with red from having run for the past game. He took deep breaths and his black hair looked a little damp from sweat.

He looks around the gym with a smile, but his eyes freeze on Reese. He looked as if he had stared into Medusa's eyes.

His dark eyebrows tugged together and his brown eyes filled with confusion.

And that's when I noticed his uniform said 'Ricci.'

People walked in between them as they started to head out of the gym, but they still never looked away from each other. Reese held his hand up, saying hey to his brother, but his brother kept giving him a confused look.

Reese gestured outside of the gym with his head, and his brother nodded. The similarities between him and his brother were undeniable. They not only have the same hair and eyes, but they also have the same face shape. Even though I know that his brother is only sixteen, he looks a year or two older.

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