♡ Chapter 18 ♡

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~ Azalea POV ~

Tonight, I killed 11 people.

I've gone from being horrified to kill somebody, to killing 11 within a few hours.

But the part that makes me feel this most confused, 

Is that I don't feel bad. 

No - I wouldn't just say that I don't feel bad. 

I liked it. 

Killing people that wanted to hurt somebody I care about just felt good. It gave me a rush, to watch Michael bleed out. The thoughts that I'm having right now would've terrified me months ago. 

But now? I'm no longer the sweet and innocent Azalea that does whatever she's told blindly.

I'm the Azalea that will watch ten men burn, to protect my one. 

But I had a reason to do it. I didn't kill them all for no reason. I did it for Reese. I haven't crossed the line, into killing without reason. I'm not killing people unless there's no other option. 


"Okay - explain this to me, Azalea," Reese says after rushing us into his apartment. His hair is still messy from the snowstorm. "What happened?"

"I killed Michael. And after I did, I called those men and told them you were at my house," I told him. "I went through Michael's stuff after. Found a bunch of explosives, and put them inside of the house. And once you were outside.....I set them off."

The words tasted foreign coming out of my mouth. I had never uttered a sentence even close to sounding like that before. 

I watched his brown eyes as they danced around my face.

"You killed all those people?" he asked quietly, his voice laced with a hint of shock. 

I nodded. And he kept looking down at me. 

"Do you think I'm evil now?" I whispered, wondering if maybe what I had done was unforgivable. If I was wrong. 

His strong hands hold my face.

"No," he answers. "I think you're basking in the dark parts of yourself, that only make you more beautiful."

Beautiful. I finally allow myself to smile.

He leans down, tilting my neck to the side as he placed his lips against it. I shut my eyes and sighed out of pleasure from the feeling. 

"To watch you go from a girl terrified to talk back to her dad, to one willing to kill eleven of his men, is fucking incredible," Reese's minty breath hit my skin as he spoke in between kisses. 

I can feel the corruption inside of me. With every passing moment I spend with Reese, with his hands gripping my hips and running up along my back, with his lips kissing my neck until I grabbed his hair and forced him to kiss my lips, I feel it. 

I feel myself corrupting. I feel myself becoming the same kind of person I used to fear.

And I love it.

His lips move roughly against mine. The force he kissed me with nearly knocked me over, but his strong arms held me up.

Tasting his lips felt like every sense of my moral code was erased. I kissed him, knowing that he has ruined innocent lives. I kissed him knowing that he was a bad guy. That he was a villain.

And I wanted him so badly.

Smut Warning 

In what felt like seconds, both of our clothes ripped off and were scattered against his living room floor. 

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