♡ Chapter 23 ♡

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I spent the next week bedridden since Reese refused to let me do anything. He brought me all my meals, got me stuff to draw with, and rubbed cream on my back every single night.

Something that I've realized is that people are more complex than you think. People you think you know, more than likely, you don't. Upon first glance and hearing the whispers that float around in the murky waters, you'd think Reese didn't have a heart. That he bled black. That no mercy or kindness would ever be seen behind his dark brown eyes.

But not only have I seen it, but I've felt it. I feel it in the way he kisses me. In the way he holds me. In the way that every single night, he waits to sleep until I am, just to make sure I go to bed okay.

Both of these exist inside of him. And it's dependent on what's around, which comes to light.

And I think that I'm a lot like that, too. I try my best to be kind, to do good and be good. But in the part of me that's not the surface, I've killed.

And I think that everybody has this. One side that they show the world, and one side that they keep buried.

Reese kisses my forehead, making me smile while my eyes were still shut. He says quietly since I was still waking up, "Merry Christmas."

My eyes shot wide open now.

"Oh my gosh!" I say excitedly while sitting up. "I almost forgot!"

"Careful," he says sternly. "Your back is still healing."

I swing my legs off of the bed, and stand to my feet. I gesture to myself up and down, "Look. Don't I look fine?"

"You look fucking beautiful," he says before placing a long kiss against my lips. "But that's not the point."

I smile when I kiss him back. His mouth always tastes minty and his lips are always smooth, telling me he uses chapstick often.

"Ready for your present?" his breath hit my lips as he pulled away.

I looked up at him, almost in a little bit of shock. I whispered, "You got me something?"

"Of course," his thumb brushes up and down my cheek. "My girl deserves everything. So I'll give it to her."

Oh gosh. Now I'm nervous his present is going to be way better than mine.

He grabs my hand and leads me out to the living room. The fireplace is on, as well as the TV. The white lights on the tree light up the room, and I tug on the curtain for some more light.

The entire city is white, covered in snow. The sky is light blue without a single cloud tainting the sky.

Hearing something behind me makes me gasp and turn around, "Reese did you just bark at me? Are you okay in your head?"

Seeing the cutest puppy in his arms made me slap my hand over my mouth.

"Oh my God!" I rush over to the tiny black puppy.

I take it from Reese, holding him carefully. As I admire him and bounce him like a baby, Reese tells me, "You told me you wanted a dog."

My heart feels so full just looking at him. His fur is black and curly, and you can tell that he won't get too big.

"Reese," I smile. "Thank you so much."

"I even got him one of those beds," he points to a fluffy grey bed. "And some of those toys that squeak 'n shit."

"What's his name?" I asked him.

"Bubbles," he tells me. "But if you don't like it-"

I cut him off, "I. Love. It."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐄𝐯𝐢𝐥 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now