♡ Chapter 14 ♡

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~ Reese POV ~

"They're getting closer."

I listen to Alec's words as I stare out of the window. The busy New York traffic sat below, and I used my finger to move the curtain. 

"So, what do you suggest I do, Alec?" I turn and ask him. "Send 'em a dick pic with my location and say, hey boys you're close, might as well come in."

He smacks his fist against the table before quickly storming over to me, stopping once we were face to face. He shouts, "This isn't a fucking joke, Reese! Joesph and his men aren't gonna stop searching the goddamn city until they find you. And once they do, they're not gonna bring you down to a little cell with Mrs Innocent giving you fucking cookies every day. They're gonna shoot you straight in the head."

I grab the collar of his shirt and slam him against the wall. It makes the clock fall, and shatter against the ground. I spit in his face, "Watch what the fuck you say about her."

"Get over yourself, Reese," he shakes his head. "She's the daughter of the enemy. No matter how much you want her, you can never have her."

"Shut the fuck up," I whisper, keeping him against the wall by holding my arm against his neck. 

"You know it's true," he continues with a red face. "You stay here and keep pining after her, you're just gonna end up dead."

I shout, "I said shut the fuck up!"

"She's not like us, Reese! She doesn't have the fucking guts to live in our world!" the second those words leave his mouth, I throw my fist into his face.

His head jerks to the side, blood spewing from his mouth. He falls to the ground, holding his jaw, as blood dripped from his mouth and onto the floor. He doesn't know a damn thing about her.

I shake my fist as I stare down at him.

"I don't give a shit that the mafia don and his team of cheerleaders are looking for me," I speak in an even tone while he stays on the ground, looking up at me. "I'm not leaving town. Not after meeting Azalea."

He continues to rub his jaw, as the blood continues to pour. I slowly step back, before turning around, and leaving the house. 

My hands grip my steering wheel tightly as I speed down the busy road. The buildings around me look like a blur, and my jaw is tight. 

I'm so distracted that I barely even noticed the two cars tailing me. My eyebrows lower seeing them following directly behind me, even though I was pushing 120 miles per hour. 

Joesph's fucking men.

I slam on the gas. My car moves so fast that I can't recognize anything around me. 

The cars begin to pick up their speed, too, following close behind me.

I make an abrupt turn, making my tires skid against the road. I slam on the gas again, sending my car flying down the dirt road.

My turn caught the two cars off guard for a moment, but they were quickly following close behind me again. My teeth clench together as dirt whips up into the air from my tires. My car bumps from every hole that I hit, but I don't let up the pressure. 

I keep speeding. The night is dark, and there's nothing you can see outside of what your headlights show you.

But I know this road.

They ride my ass as my speed increases anymore. I can't hear anything besides my tires against the ground, and as it's coming up, I prepare myself. 

I look up into the rearview mirror, and see them still directly behind me. 

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