♡ Chapter 19 ♡

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Waking up beside Reese made the first thing I do, smile.

He didn't let me leave the bed. He pulled me back to him, wrapping his strong and warm arms around me. I laughed, my face getting warmed by the crook of his neck as I lay on him.

His hands rub up and down my back.

"Do you want to go get breakfast?" his morning voice asks in my ear.

This only makes me smile more.

"And risk being seen together?" I question, lifting my head up and looking down at him.

Although everybody that knew where his brother lived is dead, that doesn't change all of the people that are out there, looking to kill him.

I don't think my dad would kill me. I'm positive of that. But Reese? He's been trying to have him dead for over a month now.

"Doesn't the risk make it more fun," he smirked, lines forming beside his lips.

I bit my lower lip while smiling. I nodded, "Okay."

I took a long and hot shower in his bathroom before leaving. His hair products and body wash felt like fucking Heaven. I couldn't feel a single negative emotion, as the hot overhead shower hit me.

His bathroom is black and white themed. His house is very clean, not a single thing out of place.

Once I shut the water off, I dried myself with the two hot towels he tossed into the dryer before giving me. I also didn't exactly have any clean clothes, so he let me borrow one of his large white t-shirts, and I had to wear my jeans from yesterday until we were done at the mall.

"Azalea," Reese says in a stern voice as my hand touches the doorknob. "Jacket."

He tosses me one of his large cargo-style jackets. I slip it on, the warmth from it feeling like a blanket.

He kisses the top of my head, "Okay. Now we can go."

Reese let me pick where we got breakfast. I decided on this super cute café that I would go to sometimes when I was bored. He says he doesn't want anything, but I get him the exact same thing that I get.

A vanilla iced latte and chocolate chip muffin.

I pull out my card to pay, but after I tap it against the machine, my eyebrows lower. This wasn't my card.

And then I notice the freaking name on it.

I turn around and hit his chest, "You put your card where I keep mine so that I'd use it!"

"Ouch," he rubs where I hit him and smiles.

I roll my eyes, and attempt to give him his card. But he pushes it away, keeping it in my hand and forces my hand shut. He keeps both of his large hands on top of it so that I can't open my fist and give it back. He looks into my eyes and says sternly, "You'll never pay for a goddamn thing when you're with me. You're using my card at the mall, and that's that."


He cuts me off by kissing me. I smile while I kiss him back, standing up on my tip-toes while I do.

"Two vanilla iced lattes and two chocolate chip muffins," the worker calls out my order behind me, making me pull my lips away from Reese's.

"Thank you!" I say cheerfully to the worker. I leave an extra $100 bill on the counter after they turn around, and I grab mine and Reese's stuff.

He gives me an unamused look when I turn around, and I pretend that I don't see it.

But it remains on his face as he quickly follows me out of the café. With how long his legs are, it doesn't take him much time to catch up to me.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐄𝐯𝐢𝐥 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now