♡ Chapter 16 ♡

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~ Reese POV ~

"I'm telling you, Reese," Alec says as we walk out of the bar, into the night air. "Rum is the shit. You should really start drinking it instead of whiskey."

I open my car door and say sarcastically, "Yea. That'll happen after my Miss America contest next week."

He rolls his eyes, and we both get into the car at the same time.

I've felt anxious all day. After I drop Alec off, I'm going to see Azalea. 

God just the thought of her makes me fucking weak. She has me wrapped around her finger even though she didn't even try to. 

If she says she doesn't wanna come with me, there might be a blood bath tonight.

I want her to be with me. She's safe with me. I'll protect her. I don't trust her being around her father. Although I'm almost positive he would never kill her, I know that she's trapped with him. Trapped under his thumb.

With me? She'd be so fucking free. Free to go out and do whatever she wants, whenever she wants. I don't think that there's a single thing on Earth that she could ask me to do, that I wouldn't. 

"Uh - Reese?" Alec says in a weary voice. "Do you know those guys?"

I look up through the rearview mirror. We were still parked in the lot, but a black car sat behind us. Two people got out of the car at the exact same time, both with blank faces and black clothing.

They eyed my car. And as they slowly started walking toward it, I turned the engine to life.

The second my headlights shined onto the ground in front of us, the two guys behind us pulled out guns. 

"Shit! Joesph's men!" Alec shouts while pulling his gun out of his waistline.

They begin firing bullets, making me duck my head as I drifted the car around to face them. My tired skid against the ground, screeching and leaving black lines. The windshield shattered as they continued to stand there, holding their gun in front of them and firing without missing a beat.

I slam on the gas, sending my car straight toward them. Before they can even process it, my car hits both of them, hard. They roll over my car as I keep driving, going over the curb and having to make the people in traffic slam on their breaks. 

The wind hits me hard through the broken windshield as I sped down the road. My black hair whipped around, and my grip on the steering wheel was tight. 

"What the fuck was that?!" Alec shouts over the wind. 

"That was Joesph throwing a tantrum because I may have pissed him off."

"Well, we can't go back home, because look behind us," Alec's words make me look up in the rearview mirror.

Shit. A black SUV follows close behind us, and I can see the assault rifles that the full vehicle is holding.

"We have to keep driving," Alec tells me. "We have to keep driving to another state. This war isn't going to end until you're dead."

I'm not fucking leaving. I'm not going to be a coward and go into hiding.

I'm fighting this war, until I fucking win. 

"Grow some balls, Alec," I say casually while drifting onto the next road.

I slam even harder on the gas. Everybody besides the driver leans out of their windows, aiming their guns at the car. Fuck. 

My phone rings beside me. I curse under my breath before picking it up and raising it to my ear, my eyes wincing from the amount of wind hitting them.

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