♡ Chapter 7 ♡

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My eyes wince when I open them, unfamiliar with the bright lights shining down. I try to move, but something strong prevents me from doing so.

I look down. As I see Reese's tattooed arm wrapped around me, I instantly remember falling asleep here last night.

Anxiety filling my stomach, I pulled out my phone to see the damage. And there it was.

15 missed calls from my mom. No big deal.

3 missed calls from my dad. Oh no. 

I quickly jump out of bed, sending Reese's arm off of me. He makes a soft noise as I probably woke him up, but I walk across the room, holding my phone to my ear as I called my dad back.

Half a ring went by before he picked up.

"Azalea?!" my dad's panicked and angry voice comes through the phone. "Where are you!"

"Dad, I'm not a kid anymore, remember?" I say kindly, understanding my dad's concern as a parent. "I had a sleepover with a friend. I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

He sighs and swears under his breath.

"Tell me next time, okay?" he says in a voice that's still not completely happy.

I nod, "Yes, I will."

I hang up the phone, and as I do, I hear Reese rise out of the bed behind me. I turn around, put my phone back into my pocket, and hold my hands behind my back.

He runs a hand through his black messy hair.

"Sleep okay?" he asks me.

"Yes. Really well, actually. I'm sorry for falling asleep here, I didn't mean to," I talk quickly, and this seems to make him smile.

He shrugs, "It's okay. You do snore pretty loud, though."

"I don't snore!" I defend myself, feeling personally offended since I hated snoring so much. His smile grew, and I quickly realized he was just saying that to bother me.

I step forward, and hit him lightly in the chest, "Jerk."

He rubs the area I hit and says a quiet and fake, "Ouch."

"Are you up for doing something today?" he asks me while dropping his arm.

I think mentally about all of the things I have to do today.

And it's a whole lot of nothing.

I nod, "Sure. Tell me all about it after I grab your breakfast."

I turn to exit the room, but pause right before I do. I run my hands through my hair, taming it, so that it didn't look like I just woke up. As I stepped out, I could hear the sound of cooking coming from the kitchen. 

I enter the kitchen, greeting Simon with a smile.

"Hey," he smiles at me, but then gives me a weird look. "Your car was here before I got here, where were you?"

I stand there like an idiot while I take the plate from him and think of an answer.

"Um, in the bathroom. Was totally blowing it up, sorry if that's TMI," I whisper and he says 'oh' quietly. "So! When was that party?"

"It's tomorrow. Do you still wanna go with me?"

"Yea, sure. You remember where I live?"

He nods.

I smile, "Then I'll see you then."

With the plate of food, I leave the room, and return to Reese's cell. I sit down on the ground across from him, and while I hand him the plate I ask, "Is this even enough food for you? You have a lot of muscle. Are you sure you don't need more? I can put in a word with the kitchen."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐄𝐯𝐢𝐥 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now