♡ Chapter 2 ♡

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There is no sunlight down here.

I've always found that depressing. 

So, today, I wore a pale yellow sweater with a white skirt. Once again, not dressed for the weather.

I walk down the hallway toward the kitchen to get breakfast for the three people currently down here. The number is constantly changing. 

Mike, a guy that helps my dad torture people, comes into my view as I make my way further down the hallway.

I wasn't going to stop at first. I just gave him a warm smile. 

But when he stopped walking in front of me, I did, too. He smirked down at me, "Hey, Azalea. I haven't seen you in a while."

"Yea," I nod. "Just here to give them breakfast."

He scoffs and shakes his head, "These people don't deserve to eat."

"Hey," I say sternly. "They are still people. And all people deserve to eat."

"You say that because you never know what these people have done," he steps toward me and tilts his head. I gulp over the sound of slight buzzing from the lights. 

I nod, "Maybe you should tell me, then. What did he do?"

I point toward Reese's cell. Mike doesn't even bother to look at it.

"That guy is an assassin. But not the kind that kills bad people, the kind that kills people for fun and for their own gain," Mike nearly spat the entire time he talked. It was obvious talking about Reese made him mad. "He's killed dozens of your father's men. Blown them up, hung them from the ceiling. When we would send 10 men to go kill them, we'd later find 10 dead bodies. It's a miracle we even caught him yesterday morning."

There's a point where somebody goes past being a murderer, and Reese seems to cross that line. The thought of killing always made me sick. I had never seen a dead body before, and I hope I never have to.

"Wow," I say quietly while forcing a harsh blink. "So, are you guys going to kill him?"

"Hell fucking yea we are. Once we get some answers," he smiled. 

He then quickly looked me up and down.

"Hey, what do you say about coming back to my apartment once you're done?" he smiles down at me. "We never hang out outside of here."

Somebody that tortures and kills for a living wasn't exactly my type.

But I smile and speak kindly, "Sorry, Mike. But no."

I walk past him, continuing on my way to the kitchen. 

But I don't get very far, until he's rushing in front of me and blocking my way. I roll my eyes, before looking back at him under the lights that made his brown hair and eyes look black. 

"Give it a chance, Az," he smiles. "Maybe I'm different than you think."

"No," I repeat. 

I go to step past him, but he blocks my way. I grow more irritated with each passing second. 

"Come on," he repeats.

I knee him in the balls. He groans and hunches over, grabbing where I kneed him. I ignore the noises of pain he makes as I walk-run toward the kitchen, my heart picking up in my chest from the bit of fear he made me feel.

But once I'm in the kitchen and see Simon, I feel my fear go away. I rush over to him and he smiles at me, "Hey. Picked up a morning shift - try this croissant."

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