Chapter I : The Beginning

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"You look tense. Is everything ok?"

I quickly turned, hearing this voice that I know so well. "Yeah, don't worry Hongjoong. I just can't wait any longer for the results." I replied looking back at my laptop. I was sitting on the living room floor.

Sometimes I ask myself why I went to Law school, it's getting really hard. I'm so lucky I get to live with my best-friends. Even if we are not in the same cursus, they help me a lot.
The last two weeks were the hardest, it was the exams weeks and it's finally the day of the results.

I looked at the clock, 11:00 a.m! The results should be out now. My hands were shaking and getting sweaty. Hongjoong put his hands on mine, he calmly said. "Seonghwa, I have an idea, listen. You open my results and I open yours. It's a little bit less stressful, right? We can begin with mine if you want."
I slightly nodded, trying to control my respiration.

"Okay." He gave me a shy smile and took my laptop to log in. "So, Music department..." He handed me back the laptop and put his hands on his eye. "Here tell me, did I pass?"

I searched his name.
Kim Hongjoong... Kim H.. Here. It said "PASSED"!

"YAY! Congratulations Joongie! You passed!" I almost screamed and opened my arms to hug him.

"NO WAY! I'm so happy!" A wide smile appeared on his cute face. He snuggled in my arms and hugged me.

"You can be so proud of you, I know you worked so hard." I lightly patted his head.

He took a step back and sat down next to me. "Now, your turn. Give me back the laptop."
I gave it to him, staring at the ground.
"Thank u. Okay, now close your eyes." He gently nudged me with his elbow so I obeyed.

A second later, I heard him gasp.
"What? What is it?" I started to panic.

"Seonghwa. Your results are close to perfection! Of course you passed!!" He shouted in my ears. I couldn't stop joyful tears from falling down.

"Hongjoong, I'm so happy! I couldn't do it without you. Thank you for being on my side." I quickly kissed my best-friend on the cheek before he could avoid me.

After receiving the exam results, we all decided to celebrate in the dorms. We settled in the living room. Hongjoong moved his things off the couch since it's more his bed than the actual one in our bedroom. Wooyoung and San went to the store to buy drinks and snacks but mostly drinks. Yeosang and Jongho were in their room, and as for Mingi and Yunho they were nowhere to be found.

I helped Hongjoong move the couch to make some space on the carpet for all the 8 of us to sit. I grabbed some plates for the food and cups.
Hongjoong and I sat down waiting for the others to come.

"So we all passed!!" I said with a wide smile on my face, trying to make conversation,

"Yeahh, that's really amazing. We all worked so much!" Hongjoong replied with a similar smile. He then grabbed his laptop behind him. I looked at him with questioning eyes.

"You're not going to work now, right?" I said raising my voice, maybe a little bit too aggressively,

"Why not?" He asked innocently.
Before I could answer, Wooyoung and San came back.

"Is everything okay here? Did we interrupt something?" San asked me, seeing how upset I looked.

"I was just saying that-"

"WE GOT THE DRINKS", yelped Wooyoung, interrupting once again, showing the bags he was holding. "Oups, sorry."

I sat back down, quietly, looking at Hongjoong who's putting his earphones on. The last 4 arrived not long after and we began to celebrate. Wooyoung put "Very Nice" by Seventeen on the speaker, and Yunho brought us the drinks he was making.

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