Chapter IX : You did what?

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"You actually asked him out?" Chan yelled in my ears. "That's amazing, mate! What did you plan on doing?"

"I don't know yet. I just asked in the heat of the moment, I wasn't really thinking. I wanted to spend time alone with him and he said yes! I'm so screwed." I hit my forehead with one hand. .

"Yeah, don't say that. Just think about it. Like you know him for so long, you already have some knowledge of what he likes. It should be easy to find something nice. Come on, think." He encouraged me.

"I know, I know! But I really want this date to be perfect for him. He likes calm and cute places, also this has to be pretty to look at with not too much crowd and not too much noise." The thought of the man made me softly smile. "We also need something sweet to eat like desserts or pastries!"

"See, you got it all figured it out."

"Thanks to you! Really, thank you hyung for your help."

"It was nothing, you're welcome. Now can we go back to work? Because we still have to finish the song. Let's do this!" We both burst into laughter and began to work again.


Oh my God, oh my God! Hongjoong asked me out. Actually asked me! I don't think I've realized yet. The man I like, my best friend that I kissed, wants me to go on a DATE with him. I was so excited, my hands were shaking. I couldn't help but to think about him, kissing him, hugging him. My imagination living rent-free in my head. Everything seemed so easy, so simple.

Since Hongjoong was at the studio, I'm gonna head out to the library. Before I opened the door, I heard screaming in the living room. I didn't mean to listen but they were too loud.

"Are you kidding me? Why did you kiss me? On the fucking lips!" One of them yelled.

"I thought you liked me! Wooyoung, please don't scream like that. Just talk to me, calm down." The other stated, clearly anxious.

"Fuck you! Don't tell me to calm down! You know that, you know I like you and you rejected me. Don't do shit like this!" Apparently Wooyoung replied, still screaming at the other.

"Wait, please don't go. Wait, let me explain!"

The door suddenly opened on a really angry Wooyoung. He shut it on San who was running towards him, almost hitting him. Understanding the situation, I locked the door behind him. Sorry Sannie. The younger man fell into my arms, crying, tears falling uncontrollably.
I gently rubbed his back, letting him take as much time as he needed.

"Are you ready to tell me what happened?" I calmly asked.

"Yeah... Well, you know how I often cuddle with San...
This morning I was cooking some breakfast for the both of us. He hugged me from behind, and kissed my neck. I was amused so I turned around, he cupped my face with his hands and kissed me. Not on the cheek, not on the jawline or on the forehead. NO! On the lips!" Wooyoung exclaimed, his face red of anger and embarrassment.
"If I'm being completely honest it's not that I didn't like it but he can't expect me to be fine with it. I want him to be my boyfriend, not a friend with benefits. I'm not one among others, I'm the one. If only San could understand..." He stammered on his words, tears coming back.

"Hey, it's okay. I understand. You have every right to feel that way. Your feelings are valid and I'm sure San will realize that you're worth way more than anyone he could and will ever meet." I reassured him with a true smile. "You should tell him what you just said to me. Explain your feelings to him. Maybe he just didn't understand or maybe he is a little dumb." He laughed at my comment, wiping away the tears.

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