Chapter V : The Awakening

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5:30 am.
So early.
I turned the alarm off and I lifted my body up, it felt so heavy. I rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms and legs, I feel like my entire body is dead. I shouldn't have waited for Hongjoong to come home. Why does he have to stay at the studio after 1 a.m?

After opening my eyes, I heard sounds coming from the bathroom. Who's there? A thief? No way, there's nothing to rob here. Except maybe my self-esteem. I probably have a hallucination since I haven't slept much.

Before I could get out of bed, the door of the bathroom opened. A small figure rolled up in a towel quickly took some clothes left on the floor and closed the door.
What the ...?
I should go back to sleep, for real.


Why is he awake? Why this early? Why now? Why not 10 minutes later?
I would need to go out eventually, I needed to get back to the studio.
I just have to take a deep breath. Come on Hongjoong, the man behind this door is only your best friend.

Well, you wanted to make out with him and you found him attractive, and you also kissed him but yeah of course that nothing! It happens, usual Sunday nights!

I dressed up as fast as I could and proceeded to step out of the room. He was up and switched the lights on.
"Hi Seonghwa. How are you this morning?" Don't be awkward Hongjoong, it's okay.

"I'm tired but fine, thanks" He dryly replied. "You?"

"Everything is great! Yes, really great! It's great to see you! Great!" I stammered. "What are you doing awake this early in the morning anyway?" I asked, trying to change the subject before he could say anything about how odd my behavior was.

"Oh, right! I didn't tell you since I haven't seen you in a while." He said ironically. "Today, I have to go work on something my professor asked. It has to be in groups, so I'm working with Soobin. You may know him. I think you two met each other before at a party. Anyway, we're going to the College library and-"

"Wait... Soobin? That guy you dated? Choi Soobin?" I interrupted him.

"Yeah, that's was only for a few months but-"

"Why are you working with him? I'm pretty sure there's plenty of other nice people in your class!" I rapidly stated, cutting him once again.

"First of all, can you stop interrupting me? Thanks.
Secondly, he is really nice and very good when it comes to Private Law. You know I hate it!
Finally, are you jealous of him, Kim Hongjoong?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Me? What? Never! Why would I be?" I tried to laugh, hiding the blush growing on my cheeks. "There is nothing to be jealous about."

"Good then. I have to get ready so I guess I'll see you next time. Have a great day!" He said before closing the door of the bathroom behind him.

"You too, Hwa!"
I mean I hope you have a good day but not too much with this guy. Why do you have to spend your day with him?
They already broke up so I shouldn't be anxious. Why am I worried? Am I really jealous?

Oh shit.
I am jealous.

When I walked out of my bedroom, Yeosang and Wooyoung were already waiting for me. Jongho was there too, talking to Yeosang.

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