Chapter XX : Jump Then Fall

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I forgot how stubborn Hongjoong was.
At the end of the day, I just know how I feel about him. I want this, I want to be with him, I want to be able to kiss him and hug him, to say proudly that he is my boyfriend. Why is nothing easy with this little man?
I chuckled to myself. He is so cute tho. I can't wait to see what he prepared for me.

I was waiting for Hongjoong in the living room. He left like 2 hours ago without telling me where he went.
I was replacing my hair in front of the mirror when I heard the lock opened. I ran to the front door to see who was back, hoping it was a certain someone.

"Seonghwa?" Hongjoong called for me.

"Yes!" I immediately appeared before him, a large grin on my face. I put on my shoes and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm ready. Let's go."

"Alright, alright. Don't be too excited. Here." Hongjoong gently pulled me away and showed me a black blindfold he had in his hands. "Let me cover your eyes."
I nodded and turned around. I held the blindfold on my eyes to help him as he tied a knot in the back of my head.

"What is it for?" I asked, now completely in the dark.

"Because it looks pretty on you." Hongjoong playfully replied. From the way he was talking, I knew he was trying to hide his smile.

"Where are you two going?" I heard Wooyoung's voice then whispers, and a dull sound like if someone lightly hit something.
After that, I felt hands delicately resting on my waist. "Trust me on this, please." Hongjoong said softly.

"Okay..." I murmured, feeling my ears probably bright red by now burning.

After a short drive, Hongjoong pulled over and helped me get off of the car.

I felt the icy wind on my skin, so I tightened my coat and buried my hands in my pockets. "Give me one of your hands." Hongjoong demanded. I did so and he carefully led me. We didn't walk much before he stopped. I almost tripped on something, but he luckily caught me.

"Careful, babe. I don't want you to fall." He made my heart beat so fast. "Alright, you can open your eyes now." Hongjoong delicately took off the blindfold. Still behind me, he placed his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. I slowly opened my eyes.

The first thing I saw was the blue sky with only a few clouds and the expanse of water. The sea was calm, the waves weren't too high and didn't come up much on the beach. In front of us was a light blue blanket placed on the sand, secured by stones large enough to keep it from flying away, with a bunch of cushions on top.

"Let's go seat." Hongjoong walked before me and took my hand again. I just let him guide me and sat next to him on the blanket, literally glued to him.

I'll never let him leave again.

He searched in his pockets before handed me earphones. "Can you put them on?"

I just stared at him with big wide eyes. I know him. I know what that means. "Hongjoong..! You wrote me a song? A song? For me?"

He lightly nodded, blushing. He turned his gaze at the sea. "Look at the sea while listening to it alright?"

"You're so adorable." I pecked him on the cheek, then adjusted my head on his shoulder. I placed my arm under his and interlocked our fingers. He pressed play and the song started playing in my ears.

Oh my... How can I describe how I'm feeling right now? I was overwhelmed, the song made me go through all the emotions I already felt throughout my relationship with Hongjoong. At first, it felt new and euphoric. And then, I tried not to cry when his words described the moment I was at my lowest, letting myself drown under the emotions like I was in the sea in front of me.The last part of the song talked about something we didn't live yet. Long life relationship and happiness.
I could feel how sincere was Hongjoong when he wrote this song. I felt loved.

After the song ended, he gently took one of my earphones off and whispered. "Do you like it?"

"It's absolutely perfect." I wiped the tears on my face with the back of my hand and hugged his arm tighter.

"Now, I feel like it's the right moment to ask if you want to be my boyfriend." I looked at him, eyes full of joy. Hongjoong turned his gaze away from the sea. He held my face in his hands to look at me directly in the eyes. "Seonghwa. Do you want to be my boyfriend?" He softly caressed my cheek before delicately kissing me on the lips.

I placed my own hands on his and connected our lips again. "Yes. I'd really really like that, Hongjoong."

"I love you so much." Hongjoong softly grinned and lightly rubbed his nose against mine before pecking the tip of it, then my forehead, he kissed my cheeks one after the other and moved back to my lips. I just let him continuously kiss me wherever he wanted. I was euphoric inside. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs how happy I felt in this moment. I was smiling like an joyful idiot I never want him to stop kissing and cuddling me.

"I love you too." I pressed my lips on his one last time and let my head fall back on his shoulder. I  looked back at the small waves in the sea. "Can you play the song again?"

"Of course, baby. As much as you want."


Hi! It's finally the end! (Edit : We were January 30th 2023. So it took me 5 months to write the whole story, I don't really know if it's long or not. I guess? )

I'm writing an epilogue but you can consider this story over. I hope the end was not disappointing, writing it was challenging if I'm being honest. It took me way longer than I initially thought it would. (Edit : My mind was like... empty.💀)

Anyway, I'll stop talking (or writing) now. See you next time.

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