Chapter III : The Escape

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The lesson was finally over. That was so long and a little boring, seriously who likes Contract law?
Anyway, time to go home! I walked out of the class and stretched my arms. I rolled my neck from left to right.
Once in the hallway, I saw a familiar figure. Oh wait! Is that? Hongjoong?
What is he doing standing here like that? He wants to talk? Someone come and save me...

"Seonghwa! Hey!" Hongjoong yelled through the corridor. He ran towards me with his tiny legs, he is so adorable.

My heart melted.

Back to reality, Seonghwa! What are you thinking?! Act normal. I took a deep breath and replied with a small smile. "Hi, what's up bro?"
What the hell, I never say that.

He gave me a weird look but continued with his news.
"So, guess what Pr. Eden said today! My class and the dance class are going to collaborate with the ones of another University during this winter break.
Isn't that great? I'm so excited!
I should probably work on new music. Remember "Mist"? I'm gonna use it for that but I also need more. Imagine they don't actually like my songs! And-"

"Okay. Okay. Calm down." I gently grabbed him by the shoulders. "It's a great opportunity to test your abilities and don't worry! Your work is great. The songs you make are truly amazing! Alright? Believe me."

"If you say so, that must be true." He mumbled as I saw his face turning red. "I have to go now. See you later!" And he ran away letting me flabbergasted.
How am I supposed to breathe when he looks like that? Someone give me the instructions.

I wished he would have stayed a little longer with me. We could've gone home together. Maybe I should have caught him before he ran out.

Wrong idea! He would think I probably want to talk about... never mind. Let's just go home. Brain I need you to turn the thoughts off. Stop overthinking every single thing he does.


I was casually working with Wooyoung in the recording studio. He was recording the song we will present for some other University project. When he finished, he put the headphones down and walked towards me.

"Are you going to tell me what really happened that night?" Wooyoung said with a concerned look on his face, catching me off guard. "What's going on between you and Seonghwa?"

"What? There is nothing to say. Don't think too much about that. Nothing happened. Nothing at all. Now let me work if you want to have a song to sing in front of the other class." I said, acting undisturbed.

I don't know how long I can keep him in the dark. He asks too many questions. Did Seonghwa say anything to him?
We eventually would need to have a discussion about what we did.

Today was finally the first day we got to collaborate with the Music and Dance department of JYP University. Everyone was very excited to see them again, especially Wooyoung. Changbin and him talked every day since the announcement of our collaboration.

All of this came in perfect timing, I can finally think about something else than Park fucking Seonghwa. Sorry. I just really need him to get out of my mind for just one second. I avoided him all week. I kinda feel sorry and stupid, I'm the one who messed up.

As soon as we arrived at the JYP Uny, we went directly to the parking, going straight to the elevator the second we landed a foot out of the car. When the elevator door opened, a welcoming committee came to meet us. I immediately recognized my high school best friend, Christopher.

"CHAN! You didn't tell me you were participating!" I quickly walked to him and gave him a high five.

"I missed you too." He said, teasing me a little with a large smile on his face.

"Yeah, my bad. I also missed you." I awkwardly laughed. "Are you actually going to work on this project with me?"

"I mean we can team up if that's okay with you but we won't be alone. I hope you don't mind loud people."

"I live with Wooyoung..." I replied with a straight face.

"Oh true, I forgot. Sorry man!" He laughed loudly with his Australian accent.

After the presentations were over, we all went directly into the studio to watch the performances of the dance teams. The moment came for Wooyoung's group to go. He had teamed up with Yeosang and Felix, one of their dance classmates.

*Plays RUN by BTS*
"Five.. Six.. Seven.. Eight!"

As our friends were dancing, I casted a glance at Chan behind me to see Changbin totally hypnotized by the performance.

"What's the name of the small blond one on the left?" He whispered to Chan.

"Oh, him? That's Felix. He's a really good dancer. Right?" The Australian joyfully replied.

"Yeah, hum, I agree..." Changbin answered with a cute smile, his face turning into a pinkish color.

The teachers let us choose the teams to make at the end a new song with choreography that we will have to perform. I ended up in Chan's group with, obviously Chan, Jisung and Changbin. I asked to bring the dance team, Wooyoung, Yeosang and Felix, to complete the team.

Chan and I assigned tasks for everyone.. I chose to be in the production and composition team. I'll work on the musical composition with Chan, Changbin and Jisung on the lyrics and the three others on the choreography.

With Chan, we began to work immediately because the others needed the base of the song to begin their own parts of the job.
Sadly, or rather luckily for me, for a few nights starting today, I'll not be able to be at home for a long time.
Weirdly, I felt a void in my heart. Why would I feel that way about not coming home? It's not really that hard. I love to work on music...

Maybe. Just maybe. I already miss him.

To be continued...

To be continued

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