Chapter XII : Too good to be true

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It has been almost a week since we started sleeping in the same bed. It was still quiet, Seonghwa wasn't awake yet. So gorgeous when he sleeps. I gave him a kiss on the forehead and went to the bathroom. I turned the water on and let the water run through my hair, onto my face and the rest of my body. Why do I have this weird feeling that something is wrong? My relationship with him is actually perfect right now so why can't I help it but to have a little voice in my head telling me something is wrong, something bad is going to happen to us? Why am I scared? We are taking things slow, no pressure, so why am I stressed? Something must be wrong with me. But if the problem is me, am I going to hurt him somehow? I turned off the shower. I'm overthinking our relationship, we aren't even officially together.

I went back to the room, I looked at the bed where my man was supposed to be. Where is he? He should be here, I grabbed my phone and texted him. I heard a vibration coming from under his pillow, his phone was still here. Where did he go? Why am I worried? It's nothing. I looked at my notifications and saw several messages from San. I went directly to his room. "What happened? What's going on? What's so urgent?"

7 pairs of eyes fixing me. "Calm down hyung nothing severe is going on." San grinned at me.

"Then what? Why did you make me run here?" I responded annoyed, crossing my arms on my chest.

"I just thought we all needed a meeting" San became serious.

"I'm the only one who's confused?" I was still next to the door, ready to leave.

"No same here." Seonghwa replied, raising one hand.

"Everyone STOP talking, I have something to say." Wooyoung yelled at us.

"What?" We all collectively asked.

"Let San explain himself." He simply said, looking satisfied.

"Thank you darling." San kissed the younger man on the cheek.
I closed the door and sat on Yunho's bed right next to Seonghwa, facing Jongho and Wooyoung sat on San's bed, the rest of the guys were sitting on the floor. I'm pretty sure that I'm not allowed to go yet and there's no way I can avoid this ceremony.

San stood up. "Okay, I invited you all to my room this morning to discuss important matters."

"Ours." Yunho clarified.

"Yeah whatever" He rolled his eyes and immediately returned to what he was saying. "You all know that Wooyoung and I are together. Wooyoung is my boyfriend, like my real boyfriend." We all nodded vigorously. "So I need to know who is with who! Because I'm lost."

"Okay I'm out." I raised both arms and tried to go.

San forced me to sit back down, pushing me by the shoulders. "No, you have to stay and answer!"

"Well, ask your question. I have to go to the studio."

"Boring. So... Are you and Seonghwa together?" Wide smile, fists placed on his hips.

I zoned out, staring at San. "No!", I turned to look at Seonghwa, he was really really red. "I mean I don't think so, no."

"My God, San, I told you it was too soon." Wooyoung face palmed himself.

My eyes were still locked on Seonghwa, he looked disappointed like he already knew my response but was still dissatisfied with it.

"Okay... that's awkward." San stated, his smile started to fade away. "Let's move on to Yunho and Mingi. You two seem particularly close lately."

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