Chapter XI : The HoneyMoon

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I woke up next to him, he was still sleeping. I put a hand on his chest and moved closer. I was so close, I gently brushed his cheek with the tip of my nose. I love his scent, it was so addicting. I could get used to this, waking up next to Hongjoong every morning. I pecked him on the cheekbone and moved back. I sat down on the bed, slowly stretching.

I tried to get up but two little hands moved to my hips and held me down. Hongjoong placed his chin on my shoulder, arms traveling around my belly to hug me. "Good morning." I caressed his bare skin.

"Where are you going?" He whispered, tightening his embrace.

"I need to get up, like to start the day. You know, to work?" I replied playfully, already blushing and smiling. It made me so happy having him be comfortable with cuddles and even initiate it.

"You're right..." He snuggled into my neck and kissed it.

"I'm surprised. I expected you to freak out and run to the studio immediately." I put one hand on his thigh and grinned.

"I want to stay with you in bed all day." He grumbled, rolling over on the bed, laying down. I turned to look at him. So handsome even in the morning.

"Come on, I can make you breakfast if you'd like." I leaned over him and kissed him on the lips. I quickly got up before he could say anything and ran outside the room. I was heading towards the kitchen and giggled to myself when I heard someone cough loudly. "Hyung, can you not?"

"Jongho! You scared me!" I literally jumped. "What did I do?"

"Too much happiness." He simply said, raising his eyebrows. Jongho was sitting at the table, working on his laptop.

"Jealous?" Hongjoong replied in my stead with a smile. The man appeared behind me, looking straight at me with challenging eyes then turned to Jongho. "Where's Yeosang?"

"Quiet." He rapidly answered. The three of us began to laugh. We were still bickering when, surprise, Yeosang entered the living room. What a crazy coincidence.

"What are you talking about?" Yeosang asked clueless. He sat next to Jongho, looking at Hongjoong and I. The other man went back to his work, fixed on his screen. Yeosang didn't seem to bother, he looked over Jongho's shoulder at what he was doing.

"Okay, we're gonna go." I grabbed Hongjoong by the shoulders and dragged him into the kitchen.
"So, do you want pancakes?" I murmured in his ear.

(🔞TW : little sex scene with small getting-caught kink. See you in Chapter XII if you want to skip this.🔞)

"That smells good." He approached me and slipped one hand in my back pocket. It made me shake a little. "You smell good too."

"Nonsense, I haven't even shower yet." I removed his hand.

"Who care's?" He decided to hug me from behind instead. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck. So close. My face was burning. What am I thinking already?

"Oh my God, ME!" I stated, trying to stay focused on cooking and not on the man who was clearly trying to get my attention.
"Here's the plate, go put it on the table." I turned to face him, handing him the platter. He placed his hands on either side of me. I was stuck in between his arms, leaning against the counter. I stared at the food to avoid his gaze. I took a glance at him and looked back at the plate. He wasn't going to take it nor seemed to want to move back. I chose to put the dish back at its place. As soon as I did that, he began to gently kiss the side of my neck. His body moving closer and closer, he softly pressed one of his legs in between mines, forcing me to open them.

"Stop, we're in the kitchen. Jongho and Yeosang are literally 5 meters away. The door is unlocked." I mumbled. The excitement getting the best of me, I let him slide his hand on the lower part of my body.

"But you're so nice for cooking for me. I want to give you a little present as a thank you." He went down on his knees, now facing where he placed his hand.

"Hongjoong, wait-" I was staring at him, a hand on my mouth, my mind completely blurred, I thought I was going to pass out.

"Can I? Do you allow me to?"

Yes, I mean please quick before I realize how risky it is and change my mind..." I tilted my head back and closed my eyes. He took off my pants. I could sense everything, the warmth and the wetness, his tongue and the edges of his teeth. I held on tight to the counter, my fingers digging into the edge of it.
I opened one eye and took a glimpse at the man below me.


It felt like I was high. I ran my fingers into his hair, clinging into it. He pushed his fingers into my hips, accelerating the movement. "Baby... I'm close."
He looked at me with his puppy eyes. So fucking hot. My heart was beating so fast, I literally couldn't hold back. My mind went blank. I let my hand fall on the side of his face.
I just felt him swallow.

He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and I grabbed his jaw, leading him to get up. Facing him, I put both hands on the back of his neck, thumbs rubbing the low part of his cheeks. We kissed. It was a very loving kiss, so warm and affectionate. I could only focus on him, on his lips. When I pulled back, he was smiling, so happy. So adorable. Is he really the same man who just went down on me against the kitchen counter?

"I don't know if I want to kill you or kiss you again! Seriously, don't laugh!" I pulled my pants back up and gave him a death stare. "You're way more bold than I thought."

"And you seemed to like it." He gave me a nudge and laughed uncontrollably, holding his belly like it was hurting.

That was certainly... interesting.

"Shut up." I grabbed the now cold plate and went into the living room. I shook my head to erase the smile growing on my face. I can't fall in love already. Right?

To be continued...

4th gen BEST vocalist, no debate.

I do not own this edit, I just put it here because I liked it(Oh and stream the queen Say My Name 😘)

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I do not own this edit, I just put it here because I liked it
(Oh and stream the queen Say My Name 😘)

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