Chapter II : The Realization

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The next morning, I slowly opened my eyes as I heard the alarm. 6:30 a.m.
I still had a little time before everyone else was up. I quickly stood up remembering everything from last night and ran to the bathroom carefully so as not to wake up Hongjoong who was still in my bed.
I was lost. I screwed up big time. I don't think I can look Hongjoong in the eyes ever again....
Oh wait! He was really drunk, maybe he doesn't remember.
Please! Please! Please! Don't remember...


Shit, that's not good. Not good at all.
Why did I do that...
That's bad.
I rolled over in bed to see where Seonghwa was. Luckily for me, he was already gone. After checking my own bed to be sure I was alone in the room, I rushed to the bathroom in case he came back.
When I opened the door, I immediately panicked. He was there, of course he was. What was I thinking?

Gosh, what a handsome man.

He was wearing a large pink sweater with light jeans, styling his hair. He didn't turn around. Fortunately for me, he had his Earphones on. I closed the door as quietly and fast as I could.
I went back to sit on his bed to think. The events of the night prior freely running through my mind, like unwanted reminders of my mistakes.

I needed to find an idea. We can't ruin our friendship, not like that. Too much depends on us. Firstly, the kids can't know about what happened. They already tease us...
"Argh! Why did we make out?" I whispered, holding my head, hoping Seonghwa was still listening to music.

The best for me now is to act like nothing ever happened. If he brings it up, I think I'm gonna have a heart attack.
I don't know how I can manage acting like I didn't put my hands almost all over Seonghwa's perfect body. I felt my ears burning along with my cheeks at that memory. I shouldn't think about him that way.

A noise coming from the bathroom took me by surprise, getting me out of my thoughts.
Seonghwa was coming back.
I quickly laid down under the sheets as I heard him open the bathroom door. Seonghwa stopped for a second but proceeded to exit our bedroom.
"The day couldn't start better." I sighed, taking a deep breath, before going to the bathroom myself.


I entered the living room.
Wooyoung was already in the kitchen making breakfast for everybody. As I walked towards him, I saw San on the couch finishing his night.

"Good morning." San mumbled, eyes half-open, glasses on his nose.

I gave him a little wave, unable to look at anything else than the floor. I went directly next to Wooyoung to help him but he immediately asked me if something was up with an interrogating look. I quickly turned my gaze off of him.

How can he figure something happen that fast? I need to be way more clever.

Without giving him any answer, I kindly stroked his back and left the kitchen to go check if the rest of our friends were up. I went to every room to make sure nobody was still sleeping.
When I came back to the living room, Hongjoong opened our bedroom door. He was there. He didn't notice my presence and went to take a seat at his usual place. Right in front of mine.
I stopped for a second, unconsciously hiding at the end of the hallway, before someone knocked on my back.

"Hyung, why did you stop like that? You are in the middle of the way." Jongho asked with a disgruntled expression on his face.

"I'm sorry." I replied moving out of the way, still distracted by Hongjoong's entrance. I then proceeded to go sit too, next to San but especially facing the one guy I didn't want to see today, Hongjoong.

It's really embarrassing.

Why did he have to wake up this early? I wished I had a little more time alone, without him. I realized rather quickly that he didn't look at me the whole breakfast, not even once.

So he does remember, right? Is he going to talk about it?
No, he would never. I think. I hope so.
I casted a look at him. Our eyes immediately met. I noticed a light blush on the top of his ears.
Does this mean... Is this a proof?
Is it just in my head?
Does he recall all that went down last night? Even the end?


"Sannie! Sannie! Are you listening to me? San!" I yelped across the room cleaning the kitchen after the rest of the group was gone.

"Yes, yes and yes! What is it?" He said trying not to sound annoyed at my constant calls.

"Babe, there is something going on with Seonghwa. He's acting weird, he looked really uncomfortable all morning. And it's just a feeling but I had the impression Hongjoong was also up to something. That could just be my imagination but..."

"Really, I didn't witness anything awkward." San responded completely clueless, shrugging his shoulders.

"Can you be a little more attentive next time? Something happened last night. I need to be sure." I frowned, focused on my thoughts, mechanically cleaning the dining table.

"That's not like they could've actually kissed. I mean this is impossible or maybe in another multiverse." San playfully replied, walking towards me.

I mean yes that couldn't have happened. They were only really drunk last night, and sleep in the same room but no, we're talking about Seonghwa and Hongjoong. Even if it's pretty obvious that Seonghwa has a crush on Hongjoong. Crush he probably doesn't even realize. Nothing makes sense, they won't break their friendship like this.
"We need to investigate! Like Detective Hol... Holics!"

"Holmes! Sherlock Holmes!" San laughed so hard, he struggled to breathe.

They all finished preparing and went to their own classes.
Hongjoong and Seonghwa avoided each other all day long which didn't go unnoticed by Wooyoung.

To be continued...

To be continued

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