Chapter VI : Wooyoung's Thoughts

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We arrived at the dance studio, and the three of us said goodbye to Hongjoong, who's working in another room. He seemed even more preoccupied than usual.
I maybe shouldn't have brought up Seonghwa's past relationship.
Well, He asked me after all. I hope it doesn't discourage him.

Seonghwa told us about his feelings but Hongjoong didn't say anything to me or the guys so I don't know.
They'll be so cute together. They'll complement each other really well.
Hongjoong. Please, I'm begging you. Don't mess this up!

Anyway! I have to concentrate on the choreography, the beat Chan and Hongjoong gave us is really powerful so I had to find ass-kicking moves to go with it.
I'm pretty satisfied with what I came up with but the final dance break is hard as hell. I hope everyone is going to be able to learn it perfectly.

I was focused on rehearsal. As I was working, my eyes landed on Yeosang giggling like a 5 years old child. Jongho had one of his hands on Yeosang's shoulder, he was explaining something to him which made the other laugh.

Shit... I know my best friend more than anyone else but this! This! Is he blushing? Why is he looking away?

My heart melted when I saw Yeosang and Jongho's eyes met, it was like watching a real life drama. I think I could literally see hearts coming out of Jongho's eyes, a wide smile drawing on his face.
"This is SOOO CUTEEE!! YAAHHH!" I yelped.

"What the! Wooyoung." Jongho cursed at me, no more hearts but daggers pointing at me.

"So sorry! Keep doing whatever this was! I'm not going to bother you two lovebirds." I continued with a smirk.

"I swear Wooyoung I-"

"Don't break me like one of those apples!" I said, acting like I was running away in fear, losing my breath laughing.

Before the younger could actually kill me, the door opened and Felix walked in the studio with someone I've never seen. This was a really pretty woman, jet-black hair landing on her shoulder. She looked slightly older than us.

"Hi everyone! You must be the rest of Felix's team, Wooyoung and Yeosang." She said with a small accent, both of us raised our hands at the mention of our names.
"And you...? I'm sorry." A confused look on her face.

"Don't worry, I'm Jongho. I just came to support my friends." He replied confidently.

"Oh okay that's super sweet of you" She answered with a grin. "I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Momo Hirai, and I'm the dance teacher assigned to your group. I hope we'll all have a good time, no pressure!"

No pressure! Lies! We worked until 8:00 p.m., we took one small pause to eat and that was it. She is evil! A true tyrant! No, I'm not being overly dramatic...

Jongho left a little bit earlier because Felix and he were requested to go record some songs, apparently their voices have quite unique tones.

"Lesson over! You've worked really well. I didn't tell you Wooyoung but nice choreography by the way." She winked at us waving her hands. "See you tomorrow! Yeosang. Wooyoung."
We quickly bowed and she left us there completely whacked. I just fell on the ground. Yeosang laid down beside me.

"You're okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, just extremely tired. I think she tried to kill us! You?"

"Me? That was easy. I can do this every day!"

"Argh, whatever." I changed the subject with a wide smile. "By the way... Yeosang... you and Jongho? You have nothing to tell me by any chance?"

"Nope." He simply replied.

"What? What do you mean "nope"? I watched you all day, do you really think I wouldn't notice the way you act, you in particular!" I insisted, like does he really think I'm gonna believe that. Yeosang, you're smarter than this. You have to know what's going on.

"Don't know what you mean."

"Oh come~e on, spit it out! I want to know. Is there anything between you and Jongho?"

He quickly shook his hands as a sign of protest. "No-no, just friends! He never said he liked men and I'm not interested. Nothing more than friendship."

"Please! Lies! I'm more straight than Jongho and you look at him like Seonghwa looks at his Legos."

"Am I and is he? Hum, funny." I could see him zoned out, in deep reflection. "While we are talking about this, what about you and San?"

A sharp pain piercing my chest, I answered as calmly as I could. "You know how I feel but he already rejected me a long time ago so there is nothing to investigate."
When I confessed my feelings to him almost a year ago, he thought I was joking... San, what the fuck.

"Then if he knows how you feel, I think he should stop being so clingy with you. You can't move on if he keeps giving you hugs and kisses like a real boyfriend."

"I know, I know. I just- I think I just don't want to move on yet. I'm maybe delusional but he is just so perfect, so fucking sweet! Have you seen his smile? Ethereal!" I mumbled. "My heart beats so fast every time I land my eyes on him."

"Don't hurt yourself over him, Woo." He whispered, trying to catch my eyes with his own sad eyes.

"Yeah, don't worry for me. I'm fine with it." I couldn't look at Yeosang, I know he doesn't believe me.

Too late. I'm sorry Yeosang.

To be continued...

Song Mingi• 20 year old • 2nd of Fashion school • is a mannequin, wants to be a stylist

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Song Mingi
• 20 year old
• 2nd of Fashion school
• is a mannequin, wants to be a stylist

(Edit : I've just realized this chapter was more like a Woosan and Jongsang sub stories than the actual Seongjoong story but anyhow, anywho I love them so much

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(Edit : I've just realized this chapter was more like a Woosan and Jongsang sub stories than the actual Seongjoong story but anyhow, anywho I love them so much.)

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