A new Pokemon

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"Why would I need an Absol, ma?" I questioned my mother's madness, as I saw that proud creature looking at me with his ember-red eyes. If looks could kill, this Absol would send me digging up the daisies in no time. 

Not that I could blame the stupid Absol. After all, it probably sensed my hatred for him. Ever since I was twelve, I hated all pokemon. Without exception. And in my mind, I was right to feel that way. They were wild, unpredictable creatures, useful perhaps as means of gaining success, but not worth keeping around. 

"Because Absol is a dark type," my mother responded, as if it were the most obvious reasoning ever. "And dark types super-effect psychic types. If you want to beat Sabrina, you need a dark type. End of."

I sighed. Whatever point she might have had, it did not explain why I had to be stuck with this demonic creature.

"I could use any of the other pokemon I've caught. I'm not sure why I should suffer this Absol when I have plenty of dark type." You could say I was fairly confident with that counter argument. That was until the ungrateful creature that supposed to help me lunged for my arm, sinking its long, sharp claws into my hands. Feeling the pain shoot up my arm, I let out a curse. 

"Great," I muttered. Now everyone would see how well I get on with my pokemon.

Walking out the door, I forced a hasty set of parting words, not feeling in the mood for a drawn out goodbye with the person that placed me in this situation. 'Thanks, mum,' I couldn't help but think, even though a part of me was aware that she'd only wanted the best for me, not seeing the downside to all her attempts at helping me. The Absol tailed me with clear reluctance, scrutinising my every step as though it either did not trust me or hoped that I would trip up over the doorstep and fell flat on my face. Quite possibly both. 

We'd gotten to the edge of the small settlement I had considered my neighbourhood for the past few years and out of my mother's sight when I halted in my step, turning to face my supposed companion. "Shoo." There was no way I was making this journey alongside a disaster pokemon. 

The Absol just stood there. 

"Go away," I tried again, my voice strained as I tried to keep it low enough not to be heard by my neighbours. 

Yet, he remained standing in the very same spot as he did ten seconds prior, looking right at me. Through me. As if he were convinced he could win this unofficial competition. "If you want to be free, just go!" 

Nothing. Surely he'd want nothing to do with me?


He looked at me with a serious expression.

"Fine." A sigh of defeat escaped me. It was clear he wasn't about to budge. Not until he was ready to do so of his own accord. 

"Whatever. But once we finish Sabrina off, you're leaving." 

There was no way I was staying with the accursed beast standing just a few feet away from me. 

"Weirdo," I muttered, watching him still staring at me. He refused to so much as blink. Needless to say there was something deeply discomforting about that, but then... it wasn't unusual amongst cat pokemon to grace people with creepy, prolong gazes in their direction that made ones skin crawl.

He gave me a glare as if to say 'don't call me a weirdo'.

[ Edited  - Word Count: 598 ]

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