Starlit Night

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As I and Snow walked back, it was slowly getting dark and the nocturnal pokemon were waking up. Being half nocturnal now, I did not put much importance to this fact, but I still had not quite got used to my new mechanism and what not. My eyes still saw a little worse that Snow's and I had got my horn stuck a couple of times by then.

Snow soon started increasing his pace, probably not wanting to come too late to the fire. Besides, both of us had some hunting to do.

Ten minutes later, a group of Rattata were walking past us, not knowing who they were nearby. The grass stood still as Snow approached the group, silently, calculative, knowing exactly went to pounce and in which directions. That was something that he prided. His precision. Three of the Rattata had not stood a chance. As quickly as they looked up, their fate led them to their death.

I had tried too, but without succeeding. Well, at least some lives were spared. Not even Snow was the type of Absol who would kill without mercy, not feeling any guilt, not hoping for each of his prey to sleep in peace, for at least a while. No true hunter could forget that he is in debt of the creature that sacrificed itself.

"We should go now," Snow said as he picked up the Rattata. "O ee on't come oo ate. Ah ee ave eough." I giggled at his speech as his mouth was too full for him to speak.

We walked on, soon coming to a fire. Flame's signature, his pride. "See how much bigger it is by night," Flame asked, smiling. I nodded.

"It sure is," and I was not lying. As I sat down by the fire, I knew for sure that it had grown and I also new that the night sky looked even prettier than the night before.

Snow dropped the Rattata and no sooner he did so, no sooner the two older Absols came. Lyze came first and then the older Absol. Damn it! I forgot to ask what his name is. "Can I ask you, what is your name?" I asked looking at the oldest Absol.

"Oh, sorry about that. The name is Ice Claw,"he replied. He chuckled. "Odd name, but I guess it suits." I nodded.

Ice Claw walked up to his Rattata and started munching at it. Then he realised something and said," are you not having any food?" I shook my head.

"Snow and I had some berries and a Rattata. If he wants he can have some, but I am really not hungry," I answered. Snow agreed.

After the older pokemon had eaten and gone to sleep, there were only three of us left. Flame was talking to Snow, which left me the odd one out. I decided to look at the sky.

The stars sparkled like diamonds and the night sky looked like a velvet cover that was their to protect them from falling down. And the moon was... massive. It was a silver sphere that was encased by the stars. Oh what beauty there is to freedom! I sighed again. I was happy that I would see these stars every night, but I was sad, because I would never see my mum, I would never see home.

As I watched the stars, I felt the grass around me move. I turned around to see Snow standing there, smiling at me. "So are we friends now?" he asked. "I hope so, I don't want to fight you. You don't look like the type of girl that would give up in a fight." I smiled back and nodded.

"And Flame would not like to be you foe either," he added. I nodded. I did not want to be foes with either one of them.

"This place is so beautiful," I said.

"Yep, it sure is," he agreed. "You should go to sleep, tomorrow there is more training." I groaned.

"Really?" I asked.

"Really," he replied. He playfully nudged me. "You do want to survive an encounter with an angry Kangaskhan. Or would you rather get yourself injured?"

I shook my head. "No."

"Which means it's time for some sleep," he said casually. He lay down a few meters from me. "And no exceptions."

I sighed and lay down on the grass. I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep.

This was just a short chapter. I hope you all liked this chapter... but if not, I understand. Just please review this chapter and I do not care... good or bad. I know that it might get boring... you know... several chapters used only for a day. And I have one last thing to say to you:

...To be continued...

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