Goodbye for... Ever?

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Aki's PoV

I could only hear the loud angry yowls that echoed through the forest. It was all that Snow gave out. I covered my ears and tears flowed from my eyes constantly. Why did this had to happen. Why could not I just have been the human me all along, no changes, no new enemies and no new pain. 

"I can't understand you, Snow," I cried. "I just can't! You'd do best if you gave up and left me. Just... go! I know you hate me!"

In the end it was me who had to run off and I did, I didn't dare look back, because of the newly found pain. I knew it had all been nonsense anyway. None of the feelings that I felt for Snow were normal, not in the human world - and probably neither in the pokemon world.

I ran home and slammed the door behind me, I did not even care that I left my camping supplies outside in the forest. I lay on my bed and cried on. 

It was only two hours later that mum had come home and saw me. "You never told me you'd come home so early dear," she said. "Actually you never once messaged me when you were on your journey."

She looked at me properly and then said," are you okay? Did someone hurt you?"

"You wouldn't understand," I muttered under my breath. She thought for a while. 

"It was a boy, wasn't it?" she asked. I wasn't brave enough to tell her the whole truth so I just nodded. "When I was a girl that happened to me too. Of course, that was millions of years ago, so I wouldn't be surprised if you still didn't trust me," she joked. I smiled weakly and sat up.

"I tried to tell him the truth, but he wouldn't listen... and when he found out himself, he thought I was a liar," I told her. 

"That happens, boy can be like that," my mum reassured me. "But as it was the first boy you like so badly, I know that it was probably painful. You know what, you go and get your camp supplies tidied away and I'll make some dinner. After that we can have an ice-cream sundae."

Even though I didn't feel like eating I still forced myself out of bed and whilst mum went to make dinner, I sneaked  outside and ran for my camping supplies.


I was not surprised when I saw the left over food had gone mouldy, so I reluctantly tipped it out the camp. I was careful to avoid direct contact, mainly because I was squeamish when it came to picking up mouldy food. Ew.

Then I quickly undid the tent and rolled up all the things into a bundle and carried it home. And by the time I got home, dinner was served. 

I chucked the tent supplies into one of my cupboards and quickly went downstairs again for dinner. 

Dinner time was rather slow. I practically barely touched the food and I played around with it. At first I played something along the lines of hockey, but as soon as I decided to play golf, mum stopped me and told me off. Which was really more of a good thing than a bad one.

Snow's PoV

I tried to speak to Aki, but she could not understand. I would have only told her how much I hated her for lying me anyway, which she probably understood because she tried to hold her hands over her ears. 

She told me to go, but I stood firmly. This was my territory, I was the one to say who went where around these parts. In the end she surrendered and ran off, probably back to her mother. Well, whatever, I thought. 

I walked off soon after and found my way to my dad. He was sitting next to grandpa, talking about something. 

"How did your rescue go son?" my father asked. He looked around and did not see Aki, so I think he supposed she's still trapped. " I see you did not have much luck. Maybe I should go with you next time."

"There won't be a next time..." I said.

"How come? What happened?" my father asked. 

"I've saved her dad, but I've saved a liar," I replied. 

"What did she lie about?" my father asked me curiously. Seriously, what is with parents and questions?

"She was a human. She didn't tell me she was one," I exclaimed.

"Not telling someone something, doesn't make them a liar. She probably had a reason," my father said.

"Wait did you say she was a human?" my grandfather asked. I nodded. "Then I guess you found out the hard way..."

I looked at him surprised, what did he know about that I did not?

"Let me guess, she was your ex trainer too?" I nodded. "And I am pretty sure that she some night turned into an Absol, you found her the next day and you and her came here?" he asked.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"What you do not know is that she tried to tell you she was human. But you denied it. Now you're saying she was lying because you seemed to have forgotten that she had ever told you anything similar. She trusted you and she thought of you as a friend and the way you talked about the human her, made her hide the truth once and for all," my grandfather said, looking at the sky. 

I stared at him for a good ten minutes, before he continued speaking. 

"And you can bet that the necklace that she is now wearing now has a pendant in the shape of a tear, with cracks in it," he continued. "That necklace is not just a necklace. It was made by legendary pokemon who sent it here for a reason. There are only a few of these necklaces around the whole wide world. They reflect ones emotion, one's character and ones abilities. you're a fool for not seeing the signs."

When he was finished, I could barely look any one of my family in the eyes, including Flame who too seemed disappointed. I knew that there was only one way how to correct my mistake. And it took a single question.

"How could a pokemon turn into a human?" I asked. My grandfather smiled. I think it was what he wanted to hear. 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I know that it was rather dull, but I am not good with writing emotional pieces of writing. Please review and I'll try to update.

P.S - the ending may not be as original as I wanted it to be, but there is still time for that.

                                                                            ...To Be Continued...

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