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Rising with the morning sun, I ascended to my feet, feeling a throbbing pain in my muscles and bones. I blamed that horrible Absol for that, cursing softly under my breath. 

Leaving the tent, I decided to go outside for some fresh air.

As I walked along the forest trail, I slowly realised that all the trees suddenly seemed a hundred meters tall. Taller than those from the previous afternoon. 

Maybe this part of the forest was older the rest. 

Yes, that was probably it. 

Exhaling, I could not help but chastise myself for being paranoid, having assumed at first that someone had moved my tent, or that I had been shrunk down, or that perhaps I was going completely off track. The latter of which, I'll admit, was likely the most plausible option. 

For a while, I wandered, allowing myself to take in my surroundings before I'd go back to pack my tent and my bags. After that I would resume my journey to Saffron City. 

Or so I had planned.

Then, something unexpected happened. 

The rustling of a nearby scrub was brought to my attention. Looking around, my gaze pinned down the moving leaves and branches, as I spotted a black and white blur moving through the undergrowth. At it leapt into the air, landing in front of me, I could finally make out it - or rather his shape clearly. Annoyance and anger simmered within me as recognition hit me full force. The same pokémon I had released yesterday, that accursed Absol was now in front of me. 

 And he seemed to be as tall as me. 

That was when the anger transformed into confusion. 

"What are you doing here?" he questioned me, looking at me as though I was the intruder. I were the unwelcome one. 

Needless to say, I was shocked. I had never heard any pokémon communicate in the human language. All I used to hear from this fellow was "sol" and "Ah" and "Absol". Now suddenly I could hear actual words, sentences even, that made sense to me. Understanding him, however, only served to baffle me further. After all, pokémon couldn't speak. 

I blinked a couple times, collecting myself. "How can you talk?" I asked him, instead of answering his question.

"You can talk, so why would I not be able to do the same?" the Absol retorted with another question of his own. He sounded as though it were obvious.  "Every Absol can talk. Not just you. Or have you never seen another Absol?"

I shook my head, something inside me dropping at his words. 

"That doesn't make sense," narrowing my eyes at him, it took me a while to realise he'd been implying that I was like him. A pokémon. "I can't be an Absol!" I blurted out. "Can't you clearly see that am human? Two legs, two arms, no fur and all that...?"

"If you are trying to trick me young lady, then it's not going well, is it?" the Absol replied chuckling. "From what I can you have four paws, black and white fur, a tail and a horn-like growth off the side of your head. Unless I've had too many aguav berries, I'm fairly sure that you're the one who can't see clearly." 

I growled.

"I am not a human- I mean, I am not an Absol -- I am a human!" I cried out in indignation. How dare he label me as a pokémon!? 

His first response was a cheeky, toothy grin that spread across his face.

"Well, you look like an Absol to me. A pretty, little, female Absol, who is clearly lost and disoriented," he ignored my protests. Gritting my teeth, I forced my temper down before this debate got out of hand. "You probably got attacked by a Kadabra. It would make sense, especially with you claiming that you are a human, despite there being no proof of that and plenty of visible evidence pointing to the contrary."

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