Meet The Enemy

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A/N - I edited this after I found a major error... namely in my naming system.

I watched the fire closely that night. Watching the bright flames dance over the blocks of wood, eating it as they did so. Tiny sparks flew into the air, ever so often, disappearing into the night sky.

The occasional Zubat flapped by, squeaking into the distance, sending out paralysing sounds to the insects around it.

After a while of watching, Snow came and sat next to me. He licked his paws and back slowly and then started speaking. "I think it may be time for you to 'Meet The Enemy'," he started. "I believe it's time to tell you something about Silver Scar:

Silver Claw used to be a good pokemon, that went by the name Silver Claw. Well, he was less grumpy, rude and he was not mean to anyone. I suppose he was a little vain, but only slightly.

You see, he was a Glameow when it all began. He looked handsome for most females that walked by and he did whatever was possible to keep them thinking that. He was really quite pleasant. He tried to joke (although quite badly) and was just about always in a good mood.

More importantly, we were friends. We always hunted together and sometimes even tried to impress the girls together, which I was bad at, yet Silver was not. Let's say the girls loved him.

There wasn't anything he was scared of in life. Except from evolving. The thought evolving made him shudder, so he always tried to stop it. It might have wasted his energy, but it paid off. For him anyway.

He was worried it would scare the girls. He did not mind how they looked, but he was completely paranoid about the fact that a different image could change everything. Besides, he always wanted to find the 'love of his life'.

He had heard stories about the love he had always wanted to experience from his father, who had always deeply loved his mother. That kind of deep, yet gentle love could only every be found once.

He never minded the girls round him, but it did not mean he loved them. He knew perfectly well what he was feeling and he knew that these crushes he had were just crushes, nothing special.

Then one day, when we were catching Rattata, Silver saw what he was looking for. I can tell you straight away that this girl was no-one special. But in his blindness, Silver thought otherwise.

It was a Snubbull. And her name was Prescilla. She was more vain than any other pokemon ever had been. In fact she was more vain the the most vain pokemon in this world put together. She only ever loved herself. It was visible ever since I first met her. But for Silver she was the most important thing in his life.

I tried to warn him. Besides that posh Snubbull female was a trainer's pokemon. She hated the wild. However, all Silver did was get angry at me. The two of us fell out immediately.

As weeks passed by, the Snubbull and her trainer kept appearing and with that, Silver kept trying to impress the posh Snubbull. He brought her flowers. He tried singing for her. He put together poems and songs. He even tried to create a band and sing a song with the band that would prove that he loved her. He was lost without a hope to escape.

But Priscilla was still too vain to accept Silvers love. And that hurt. It made him mad. But, he was still determined.

One night, he decided to find Priscilla and free her. I saw all of it. He hoped that if she was no longer bonded with her trainer, she would give up and live with him. Then Silver would live on happily.

I followed him, as the gullible Glameow sneaked into the house of Priscilla's trainer. He managed it without a problem. Now don't think I didn't wish him luck, but I knew that the two were about as meant for each other as a Shuckle and an old car tire. Of course, the Snubbull female was the tire and Silver was a Shuckle.

When Silver got into Priscilla's room, which was very fancy and pink, he saw that she was out of her pokeball, but sleeping. Using Fury Swipes, he destroyed her pokeball. But as he did so, he awoke her.

He greeted her, smiling. "Now we can be together," he said calmly. "I love you." That's exactly what he had said. I remembered it word for word. Normally I would find stuff like that like promises of love, but all I heard in that was determination. Desperate determination.

Instead of returning silver his love, she scratched him across the face, full power, making his left side bleed badly. It was a painful sight. Silver looked up at her, pain and sadness in his eyes. Instead of apologising, she started shouting insults and offences, and biting him. Then the trainer came. With force, he through Silver out, through the window, two stories down.

He may have been lucky to land on two, but he had no will to live. The gash on his face was deep and painful, but visibly, not as painful as the one in his heart. He saw me that night and said: "Happy, you have what you wanted!" He spat it out at me, giving me no chance to back off.

"I promise you, Snowpelt, that I will ruin your love the same way you did mine. You cursed me and now I will curse yours!" he added. Then he slunk into the shadows of the forest.

I continued to watch him, with deep regret and pain, that I still felt for him. He soon gave in and evolved into a Purugly, mainly because of the fact that the scar was too deep to leave him enough energy to fight the evolution back. He became a Purugly and his face healed at once. But the scar stayed. And so did the scar in his heart.

From then on I wondered how he was going to do that. And I still wonder who he means by 'me love'. But I think that he thinks it's you. And maybe he tries to get you for that reason, or maybe his heart opened up again, but in a very strange way," Snow finished. "And if you don't want to be with him, then I would advise to either run or to fight."

I flinched. So that was the reason for his behaviour, for his scar for what he did. And I believed that his snake-like words had only one purpose - revenge. But if he thought that this would pain Snow than that Purugly is wrong. He feels nothing for me. Or at least, for his sake, I hoped he did not.

Snow lay down on the ground, watching the flames along side me. I knew why that was. It still pained him. The fact the his best friend was now his enemy, who looked forward to make his life unbearable.

"I just hope you don't end up having to be near him. He turned into a mean pokemon and what's worse is the fact that he is more powerful by the day. You are my friend, and because of that I hope nothing bad will happen to you," Snow whispered.

"Thanks Snow," I said, smiling weakly. He nudged me softly and then he lay his head down, falling into a peaceful sleep. I watched him for a while, I cared for him more by the day. I prayed silently to Arceus so that he would protect my new friend, my true friend.

When I could no longer keep my eyes open, I closed them falling to sleep. As I did, I had a feeling that someone was watching me. And it was not Snow's family as they were sleeping. Nor was it Charmander, because he was dreaming about chilly peppers and hamburgers...

I hope you found this chapter interesting. I could not be bothered to write 'I hope you enjoyed this chapter' instead because it would be obvious that no. I mean who would 'enjoy' reading about someone else's pain? I hope you will review and I will update as soon as possible.

...To Be Continued...

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