Rescue her!

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Snow's Pov

I looked to my right and then my left. The Noivern suddenly dived into the trees to my left side, landing on a massive branch. Is this where she is? I thought, searching the bare patch of land next to the tree the Noivern was sitting on. 

A massive rock structure stood on the patch of land, standing proudly beneath the dazzling rays of the sun. A lone Pyroar stood on top of the structure, like a king, watching over his land. But something was not right. This Pyroar seemed to remind me of someone. 

I walked forward, trying to seem relaxed and calm, even though deep inside, I was trembling beneath this massive cat. His flame like mane was long and curled, like an aristocrat's. The more red stripes on it showed the Pyroar's age and wisdom, which now seemed wild and upredictable. 

You could tell a Pyroar's wisdom and age by his mane. Age was detemind in the length of mane and the number of curls. The brightness and darkness would tell you it's wisdom. This one's reminded me of a relatively non-smart pokemon who was in a young adult stage. 

Then it clicked. I knew this guy. He was part of Silver Claw's new clan. His name was Flamemane. I hated this Pyroar to the guts.

He loved having 'fun' and was constantly up to no good. Up until a few months ago, I had thought that not even Silver Claw could trust such a sly tom, such as Flamemane was.

"Well, well," the Pyroar greeted in a low growl. "What do we have here? If it isn't Snowflake the Adorable!"

I hissed at him. "That's not my name, jerk!" I meowed. He sniggered.

"Of course it isn't... your real name is.... boys get him!" he suddenly commanded. A Luxio  walked up to me, looking tough. He was followed by two Ursurings and a Houndoom.

But that wasn't all, they had brought a secret weapon. The most ugly, scary and nasty pokemon I have had ever met. It's name froze me every time. A live Wigglytuff. And don't you dare laugh! It is only logical for me, being a dark type to be scared of that menancing, pink, fluffy fairy type pokemon. Oh no! That means that Aki must be living through a life of pain right now.

I reacted to this as fast as a lightning bolt. I attacked the Wigglytuff, biting it, scratching it, doing the unholy creature as much damage as I possibly could. The pink creature somehow managed to faint, but my victory was short lived.

The two Ursarings quickly slammed me against a tree and then started slicing my skin. With every scratch of their claws I felt pain ebb through my body, but I did not give in, I sent out a hyperbeam, blasting it at maximum power at the ursarings. This surprised them and sent them flying back. "Urgh, you little!" one of them growled.

The Luxio went up next, scratching and biting at me. "You're dead meat kiddo!" he hissed, snapping at my heels. His speed was far worse than that of the other pokemon as being so fast he was a proper threat to me.

I backed off and tried to find a way past him, but he would move in every direction I moved. After several tries I noticed that there was a hole next to the Luxio. "You're not getting past me," he spat. I went to the right. As there was no hole to the Luxio's right he was okay, but that was my intention. Then I headed to the left. The Luxio followed me only to fall in the hole. 

"Stop him! the Pyroar shouted. He started running after me. I decided to flee, but before I did so, I changed direction to end up where I would hopefully find my Aki. 

Luckily, I found her. Not so luckily, she appeared to be both unconscious and guarded. The first part was not so bad, but seeing Silver Claw, guarding her, made me sick. It looked like he owned her or something. And that smile. 

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