The Berry Bush

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I walked through the forest alongside the Absol, Snow. Suddenly he called out," Oran Berries!" There was so much cheerfulness in his voice, that I couldn't help but smile.

He started running up to the bush and I followed him. The bush was quite wide and had multiple Oran Berries growing on it. It's lush green leaves protected some of the berries and others were completely isolated, making them easy food for a lot of forest pokemon.

I saw a group of Kangaskhan feeding a few meters away from us and so assumed that it would be better to be silent than sorry. Snow and me slowly took a berry each and popped it into our mouths. "Yum," I said, smiling. It was truly delicious. Snow did pretty much the same, apart from the 'Yum' part, so I assumed he had eaten the berries several times before.

As I was enjoying another berry, a rather well-fed Purugly walked by. What is a Purugly doing in the Kanto region? I thought. Then again, Absols did not leave here either. Maybe a trainer had released some Absols and Puruglies... or maybe there were more trainers.

Anyway, he was walking past us, looking around, when he stopped. He turned around to face me and smiled. "Hello, there," he meowed. "May I ask, what's a pretty kitty like you doing in this forest?"

"I was released by my trainer. And I guess you too have met the same fate," I replied. He smiled at me.

"Wonder who would release an Absol. Especially one like yourself," the Purugly continued. I looked back at Snow. He looked a little different.

"Well my trainer would and did," I said simply, hoping he would stop asking all these things and doubting my every answer. I was starting to feel uncomfortable.

"So what are you doing near such an aggressive little rogue like him?" the Purugly asked, in an unpleasant tone.

"What is a rogue?" It was my turn to ask this time.

"A rogue is anyone that is not a part of a clan and can be dangerous," he replied, realising his mistake, much too late.

"What's wrong with that, am a rogue too," I said, trying to look angry, when actually I was happy to see him stuck for once.

"You can join my clan," he said, smiling. I felt like running away for some reason.

"Why should I?" I asked. I hoped this would shut him up, but I was not good at doing that.

"Because if you join my clan, you can live in safety and comfort and you wouldn't have to stick around those little worms," he replied, getting impatient. I started feeling as if he was up to something. He started circling round me, making me feel more uncomfortable by the minute.

"Leave her be!" Snow called out, leaping out from behind me. He landed right in front of me, glaring at the Purugly. The Purugly grinned.

"Fine... fine," the Purugly sighed. "But don't say sweetheart, that I haven't warned you. Rogues like him are very dangerous creatures. And have only a few, very evil, goals." This sent shivers down my spine.

"Were you jelly, Snowflake?" the Purugly asked, before walking off, until we could no longer see him.

Out of all his mighty, Snow shouted after him. "I AM NOT SNOWFLAKE!!!!" He then looked at me. "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "You're the one he was offending. Are you okay? And how do you know him?" I asked. He just turned around and started walking to his home. I followed, not knowing what else to do.

It was a silent journey, not very exciting. When suddenly, Snow had changed direction, probably knowing that I would follow without questions. It was only then the I realised how long we were near the berry bush.

As he sat down, and I sat down too, on a small hill, that lay uncovered, I saw the sun. It was starting to lower and as it did, the sky around it turned a beautiful orange-gold colour, tinted with pinks and purples. I looked at the sky, sighing. This sure was a beautiful sight. I regretted that I had never went outside to see one before, deeply regretted it.

As the last of the sun was setting, a couple of Pidgeys flew over our heads, the sun reflecting of their goldy-brown feathers. "This kind of beauty can only be seen once a day, as can be the sun rise. But they say the most quietest and peaceful of the two is this one," Snow murmured softly. I smiled and nodded.

"My dad always wanted me to show this to a girl," he said chuckling. "I always used to bite his ears for that." I giggled.

"I never thought I would. Besides, apart from there being very little girls, I could barely withstand being near any of them. I guess that fate has a sense of Irony. I used to feel uncomfortable round them and just a few years ago, I started getting used to them."

"I too did not want to be near boys much.... but now I don't mind," I agreed with him. "They never wanted to be in contest battles for one, whilst I felt far more comfortable about them than about normal battles."

And until I was eight, that was true. I loved contest battles more. But I wanted to do what my father had asked me to do. I had planned to do both but then... all that... all those wishes... just disappeared one night. Of course, back then I was not a pokemon.

"You would suit contest battles.... you would really be unique," he said, blushing. "Sorry..."

"Thank you, Snow," I thanked. I did not want to ruin this all... after all he helped me, I should not try to make it any harder for him.

"I think we should go home now," Snow said. I sighed and then nodded. As we walked through the forest back to Snow's home, Snow joked, "What's with girls and romantic skies?" I playfully pawed at him.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. And I also hope that you will review. I know. I suck on writing stories that make people feel as if their character is in danger and I also suck in describing romantic places... but then I didn't intend for anything extra happening between the two Absol's ... er I mean, one Absol and one human. Just friendship and understanding.

...To Be Continued...

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