Where the Enemies Lurk

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That morning I woke up, feeling guilt and fear. It was not something I would have liked to ever feel again, but fear and guilt cannot be stopped, they happen because they have to. And often, with guilt comes fear.

Anyway... I stood up and began to clean myself. I still had no clue how Absols were able to lick their fur at least three times a day and not get either bored, or a tongue encased with fur. I sure did not like licking my fur. It took for ages and it was way harder than just dipping into water. Snow justified it, by saying that if you went into water you will get to much water under your fur, which could end up with catching a cold and then, possibly even death. But I believed that he was exaggerating that last part.

Next, I caught a Rattata, which was no longer as hard, as I began to get accustomed to the forest floor and the ferns, twigs and dead leaves that lay about. No longer did I scare the Rattata too soon and no longer did I miss it with my paws. And that's why I came back with a juicy looking Rattata in my mouth that day.

"Good work!" Snow's father praised me. I smiled as well as one possibly could with a mouth... I mean mouse... in their mouths and then I dropped it on the forest floor and started eating it, bit by bit.

Once I had finished eating the Rattata I liked my lips and ran towards the hill that I had seen the sunset on the day I first met that evil Purugly.

The hill soon enough became my and Snow's meeting place, which not even his family knew about. I was really getting used to this place.

I sat down on top of the hill and looked around for Snow. I heard a twig crack, but when I turned around there was no-one. Then, out of nowhere two paws went round my eyes. I felt someone's breath. And I knew whose it was.

"Hi Snow!" I greeted cheerfully. I heard his sigh of disappointment.

"You were meant to be surprised... how did you know?" Snow asked, as I turned around to face him.

"Only you and I, a couple of Pidgeys, some annoying Rattata and a group of Kangaskhan know this place Snow... it was easy!" I replied matter-of-factly.

"Right... so do you want to know what I planned for today?" Snow asked me, smiling cockily.

"Is it... watching the sunset?" I asked, jokingly.

"Nope, unfortunately it is not that," Snow joked along with me. "Actually it is the opposite. "

"So it must be 'not watching the moon dawn'," I retorted.

"No... not that either... I was thinking I should show you where the borders of my family's territory lie," Snow said, in a serious tone.

"Okay," I agreed. "When do we head off?"

"Right... NOW!" he replied, rushing forward. I started running to catch up with him, since he was an extremely fast traveller, as I soon came to realise.

I ran through the forest, passing several scared Rattatas, until we came to barbed wire. It was made into a fence that stretched on for metres like a massive Caterpie, with the difference that it was 10 000 times more dangerous than an actual Caterpie. It was roughly two metres high and consisted of many electric spikes, around which twisted a coil of even more dangerous electricity.

"Wow! Well that explains this border," I exclaimed, looking at the tall electrically powered fence. "I don't think anyone, no matter how stupid they would be would cross this fence."

"Yes, but some humans still do it!" Snow said. I stared at him, face-palmed.

"Really... you sure you did not just see an illusion?" I asked.

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