Undeniably in Love

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Aki's Pov

As we sat next to the fire that night I felt some energy flood my veins. I was going to deny it - I mean why not, it may just be another game, my feelings play. 

"Umm.... Aki... earth to Aki..." Snow interrupted me from my thoughts, whilst waving his front paws in the air. 

"Sorry... I was just thinking about something," I said, looking at the sky.

"I was thinking about something too," Snow said. "The necklace. It seems to change shape and colour all the time. At first it was a red heart and then a blue tear and now... as red as ever and most certainly a heart. I'm starting to think that you're not just any Absol."

I started to shake. What if he knew what I were. I gulped. 

"You must be one of those Absols who can use magic!" he concluded. This surprised me - and pleased me. "Can you teach me some of your tricks?"

"Actually... no, I am not magical," I said honestly. "I myself don't know why the necklace does that."

"Oh," Snow sighed. He sounded disappointed but then he laughed. He was just pretending! 

"Well then since you are a normal, sweet Absol... I would like to tell you something," he said. "I think you are really special and I think... I... " I ran off before he could say the next word. All I was was a despicable liar of a human ... nothing else. 

I ran through the forest, careful not to trip over. I had to go, to disappear. I had to make sure that he would never know who I really was and I had to make sure his feelings did not get hurt. I saw him catch up, but then he slowed down and finally... stopped. He hung his head low. I gave him one last look and then I ran on. 

Snow's POV

I ran after her as fast as I could, but she was faster. It was like she did not want to have anything to do with me, like she was afraid of what I were to say. So I decided to let her go. I was not going to hurt her. I drooped my head low and sighed for a minute or too.

When I rose my head again she was gone. I knew I would never have the chance to tell her what I feel about her ever again. And there would never again be any Absol quite like her. I fell madly in love with her and now I was going to loose her, possible for ever. Just like my old friend Silver Claw.

I walked back to my family, disappointed that I couldn't catch her. Flame looked at me. "Hey Snow, mate, where's your pretty little lady?" he teased me. I did not feel in the mood for his jokes. 

"Whatever..." I muttered and curled up into a ball and closed my eyes. However, before I could fall asleep, my father nudged me. 

"What's wrong son?" he asked me, looking worried. "And where's Akila?"

"She's not coming back father," I replied looking in the direction where she had run off to. "I was going to tell her what I feel for her and I think I scared her."

"Oh give her time boy, she needs sometime to think about things. You can't rush a girl's heart," he reassured me. 

"But what if I hurt her feelings? What if she hates me?" I asked.

"Then she just isn't the right Absol," my father answered. "Go after her and if she says she hates you then leave her be. If she says she doesn't know what to say then apologise and if she says she loves you too, just kiss her on the cheek and bring her back."

And with that I ran off after Aki. I could promise you that I heard my dad call after me in the distance. "That's my boy, just go after your heart!"

Aki's POV

I heard something move in the undergrowth of the forest. I turned around to see Snow right in front of me. "I'm sorry Aki," he apologised.

"No Snow, it should be me who should apologise," I murmured. 

"Why, you haven't done anything wrong," Snow said. I shook my head.

"Yes I have, Snow, " I said, "I've lied to you."

"About what Aki?" he asked me. 

"I have lied to you and I have kept secrets from you. That's why I ran off. If I told you the things I am going to tell you, I would probably hurt your feelings and you'll hate me," I continued.

"Aki, why would you say that. As long as you will tell me the truth, there is no reason for me to hate you," Snow reassured me.

"And what if I say you used to hate me, despise me and even though you don't know it, you still do. You've even said it to me," I said.

Snow froze. "Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me that what I think you actually are is wrong," he pleaded.

"That would be lying..." I whispered and I walked on, sobbing. 

"But then how come you're not a human?" Snow said. 

"Something changed me into this and I thought they'd turn me back, but I was wrong," I replied. 

"This is ridiculous! No way you're a human, you can't be and you are not!" he denied. "I'd haved to have proof."

And at that time, a blue light encircled me. "Oh mew!" I cursed. Well what... I said I wouldn't swear so instead I used mew instead of something rude.

And when the blue light disappeared I cursed yet again, before seeing the anger in Snow's eyes. Who ever cursed me like this, probably hated me, because if they did not they would not have turned me back into my human form. I could still understand Snow, which only made the pain far more dreadful.

I left this chapter at a cliffhanger. I hope you like it and please review.

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