Some Things Never Change!

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Just before we start I wish to announce that we are back to Aki's POV. I also want to tell you that in this chapter you will encounter some certain characters that we all know way too well. Now let's get started!

I was walking up to the border with the Tauros, my favourite border and not just because the Tauros' meat tastes delicious. Suddenly I heard something talking. I was sure it was a pokemon, but I could not be too sure.

So, I decided to see for myself. Suddenly a cat-like pokemon with some sort of golden thing stuck to it's head leaped out of nowhere. "Hey guys I found a pokemon!" it called out. Or rather he called out.

"You said something Meowth?" A voice replied. It sounded different to a pokemon's voice. It sound male and probably from a human adult.

Then the person appeared. He had purple hair that came up to his shoulders in spiky strands and purple eyes, which made him seem girl. Next to him appeared a tall-ish woman with a weird hairstyle and pink hair and eyes. She was dressed in some weird rags, that looked so out of fashion!

"Why, it's an Absol," the man spoke.

"What's so special about this one?" the woman asked. What's so special about this one?! "Apart from the fact that it has a ruby necklace round it's neck."

"Don't you dare call me it!" I protested.

"Jessie, I tink you got the gender wrong, I tink it's a she," the human speaking Meowth said. Wait... he could speak in the human language?

The woman just sighed and shrugged. "Whatever! It's just a weird old Absol!" the woman retorted.

"No, tis one has blue eyes so it's rare and boss likes rare pokemon!" the Meowth said. "Besides Absol's are quite rare tees days. The boss will be pleased with a rare pokemon and if we train her so she get's stronger, the boss might give us a raise!"

"Oh," the man said. The woman smiled. "So the Absol it is them."

"Of course James!" Jessie said and sent out a pokemon at me. "Weaken this Absol, Seviper!" she called out.

The Seviper was huge. Compared to me it was. At ten inches of height, it seemd like a monster. "We'll see about that puny worm weakening me!" I hissed, trying to scare the people and the pokemon alike.

The Meowth flinched at my words, probably feeling uneasy from my confidence. The Seviper however, stood as solemn as a statue, staring at me with confidence. "Yeah shhure, I am sssso ssscared!" the Serviper replied sarcastically.

"Then take this!" I cried out, hitting him with Dark Pulse. It hit him squared in the face.

"Seviper, use Belch!" Jessie commanded, pointing in my direction. The Seviper obeyed and found a berry. He ate it and after a while, he literally belched. But I dodged it by escaping into a nearby cave, which was turned with it's back to the Seviper.

"Next time, you should learn to say pardon... and your breath STINKS!" I taunted him as I came out of the cave once the attack lost it's power. "Let's how you can handle another on of these!" And I shot yet another Dark Pulse at him.

"Seviper dodge the attack and then use Bind!" Jessie commanded. The Seviper wrapped his body round me, making me trapped.

"Ssso... Absssol. How are you going to essscape thisss?" the Seviper taunted, laughing menacingly. He tightened his grip even more, squishing the air from my lungs.

Then suddenly something clicked in my head. "How about some singing?" I asked weakly. He stared at me in confusion.

"What can a ssssilly Absssol like you even begin to sssing," the Seviper asked.

"Like this!" I said and I started singing. It came out of my mouth instinctively. It was beautiful, yet at the same time scary.

"What is that?!" Jessie and James both asked. I smiled slyly and then quickly returned to my song.

It had three versus, each one weakened the Seviper more and more. Each one was more beautiful than the last.

"What to you think now, Seviper?" I asked the suffering reptile. He cried in pain as I continued the song. It only took a few minutes and he could no longer stand it. He fainted instantly.

But I was to find out that the song had weakened me. And added to this, the stupid male human had sent out a Carnivine. Great!

"Carnivine let's go!" he called out. The pokemon wrapped around his head, which I giggled at. "No, not me!" the person called James cried out.

The Carnivine listened and got off the person's head. "Use vine whip!"

The Carnivine tried to attack me, but missed. The Carnivine groaned.

"I will get you, Absol!" it shouted. I decided to hit it with Hyper Beam, which seemed to do a considerable amount of damage, being super-effective. His threat ended up being just plain as the Carnivine fainted straight away.

"I'll do te job ten," Meowth sighed and walked up to me standing on two feet. "No pokemon beats Meowt, 'cause Meowt is part of Team Rocket and no-one beats Team Rocket."

I backed off, I was to weak to fight now, having used my moves at the maximum possible strength and not being used to battling anyway. I decided to run.

With every once of my energy I pushed my legs forward and ran as fast as I could. I cut through the forest at a speed I hoped would slow Meowth down, but it appeared that he at least tried to keep up. Luckily, the forest was a place he did not know well, so I managed to get an good distance from him.

Suddenly a Slash attack came out of nowhere hitting the Meowth. It knocked the pokemon unconscious and when I was about to come near to that pokemon a Shadow Claw attack hit me. And then everything went dark...

.... Whilst I was still unconscious faces appeared in my mind, some from pokemon and people I hated some where the faces of those who I cared for...

... A voice broke through my mind. "Welcome to my world..."....

I hope you have found this chapter interesting because if not.... then I'M GONNA FINE YOU!! Nah just joking, but please review.

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