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I start to look around and I see a white wheel resting on the wall to the right of us.

"There's a wheel." The others turn to where I'm looking. Sitting patiently below is a pool of water.

"Ugh, am I gonna have to get wet for this shit?" Lilith groans. I start walking over to the wheel, the water is pretty clear and I can see the bottom.

That makes me feel kinda better.

I slowly slide my boots off and sink my foot into the once-still water, one step at a time.

Hmm, it's actually pretty warm.

The water reaches my mid-thigh and I extend my arms,

I can reach it. Righty tighty, lefty loosey?

It feels stuck, I pull with a good amount of my strength and it unjams. I can now turn it right. As I twist, it makes a loud screeching sound.


"Mmhmm," I grunt, turning the wheel a little more. "Ahh got it!" I declare, letting my hands down, grazing the water. I climb out of the water, my legs wet and drippy. I look up to them, staring at my awkward figure.

"Okay! Now we have to find the other five, do what y/n just did when you find one." Pam claps her hands before taking her shoes off as well. 

We all collectively agree and get started. I know none of us want to stay hear any longer than we should. I grab my boots and keep walking to the right side, looking for more wheels.

"Watch out for any 'thing' that could chase us, yell if it's near," James mentions. Because of our positions, Lilith calls out.

"The girls will check the right side and boys the left, meet in the middle."

"Got it!"



Pam spots a wheel and runs to it, then turning it.

Just then we hear a scream.

"Fuck man, already?" Lilith exclaims.

To our left in the distance we hear water splashing and screams.

"What the fuck is that?! It's near its near,  run!" We hear Leo scream from the other side. Me and the girls all exchange troubled looks, then start running further into this pool room.

"Another one!" I call out.

Leo's screaming is still audible but they seem to be going more left. I hear distant gurgling sounds, assumably coming from the thing. My heart speeds up as I kneel down to turn the wheel on the floor.

"That's three! Now get up!" Lilith yells to me. I push myself up off the grand, almost slipping, and start looking for more wheels. We frantically swim through the warm water.

The gargling noises gets louder and louder, then I see it.

"Oh fuck! Run!" I scream. Its much larger than the last monster.

"But I see another wheel!?" Pam calls out while running.

"Hey, ugly piece of shit!"

"Over here!"

I turn back and see the monster averting its attention to the 3 boys behind. I sigh quickly in relief but get back to thinking.

"Turn it, Pam!" The second Pam turned the wheel, a loud alarm sounded. I hear screams coming from everyone. I can hear James yell even louder.

"Over here! Come over here!"

"Where?!" The girls and I start running to the sound of their voices, getting confused.

"Near the back!" I turn back around and I shriek. The blaring alarm sound was disguising the sound of the monster.

Shit, shit, shit. It's so close to me!

My scream seemed to startle the other girls because i see them start running faster. The loud slaps of the monster's tentacles were getting nearer. I see a green button and an opening right under it. The three boys are standing just right outside of it.

"Hurry!" Leo motioned us hastily with his hands.

"Get in!" They move out of the way and we run in. The monster crashes into the opening and reaches its long tentacle inside, flailing around trying to grab someone, we all retaliate backwards and watch as it makes its gross noises.

"Ughh! It's so slimey what the fuck!" Leo shouts, covering his mouth and about to throw up.

"More falling," Pam calls out, pointing to the edge of the small room.  We all walk to it and it looks like a small space that you can slide down.

"My ears are way too sore for this shit," James says stepping over and sliding down, we all start going down one by one.

I watch as the others jump down the thin opening in the floor. Milo heads down and I glance at the nervous boy.  Leo flinches as soon as he notices me staring at him..

"Go." I shoo him, teasing only a little. Yet still trying to stay as far away from the tentacle monster behind us.

"I-I think you should go first." He stutters motioning me to go ahead.

"Just go!" I roll my eyes, trying not to rush him but panicking when I notice the monster has gotten two tentacles in.


"We don't have time for this Leo. I'm right here, we can just go together. But have to go now, its gonna squeeze in soon!" I say, my voice now demanding rather than asking him. He hesitantly nods and we walk right to the edge,

"Okay, we gotta go."

"Okay."As we jump, I feel a tight grip clutch around my my upper arm.

No more than a few seconds later, we make it to the next area. I fall on my knees and I look over at Leo. He's shutting his eyes tight with his hand squeezing my arm.

"Okay, you can let go now." I shake my arm laughing. Leo slowly opens his eyes to look around, I do the same. I make eye contact with James, already staring at me.

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