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Half of an hour goes by quickly of us trying to catch a break. We let the hot air coming from the pool room dissipate the water on our skin. Trying to speed the drying process, we have been squeezing the water out from our damped clothes and shoes. 

I feel so wet and sweaty. I doubt im gonna get to shower any time soon.

James stands up and we all eye him, knowing what he wants to say. I exhale and get up, the others rising as well. James clicks his light and points the flashlight down the dark blue pool room but it seems to go so deep down, the light doesn't illuminate far enough. By now everyone has gotten up and prepared themselves. I hear two more clicks and we are ready to go.

We begin walking on the tiles floor, our boots making squelching noises each step we take. Leo breaks the silence.

"Is it just me or am I just not getting dry?"


"It's so humid in here." My chest heaves up and down slowly, I drag my nails along the tiled walls.

The wall feels nice.

As I walk, my thoughts trail back to my camera. A frown wipes over my face before it disappears. We turn a corner and enter into a different area. It's still part of this place, matching walls and floor, but there's no pool.

"Oh, how fun." James says sarcastically as we cross into the new section. We see 3 different colored pastel slides.

One red, One blue, One yellow.

There's water flowing down all three of them, just like a normal one would have, but even then I don't feel any better.

"We gotta be wise about this." Pam says.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure these slides are gonna teleport us again." The others seem to agree but I don't know.

"What if we land in a place with an entity?"

"I mean, there's really no point." I speak.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Shouldn't we be careful?"

"What's there to be wise about? We won't know til we go down, I think it's just luck we have to rely on."

"I agree. There's nothing that could help us figure out which is safe or not, it's kind of pointless." Surprisingly, Milo backs me up. James looks between the two of us before nodding.

"Shoot." Pam seems to have changed her mind.

"Well, how do we pick?" Lilith asks.

"Eeni, Meeni?" Leo suggests jokingly.



"We'll, Y/n, the honors." Leo motions towards the slides at me.

I choke out a laugh, not expecting it before nodding. I raise my index finger pointing it to the red slide.

"E, Nee, Me, Ni, My, Nee, Mo." I continue trailing my index finger from left to right, like a book.

"Catch a tiger by its toe, if he hollers let him go," I internally facepalm before continuing.








I slowly slide my wavering hand back to the left.

"Mo." I point to the red slide.

Bare with me 💀
But woah uve made it to chapter 30 YAYYYY !!!

- P

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