Ch.4: Faithfully

408 15 66

Tw; cute date shit. Drinking.

I wake up in the morning on one end of the couch. Robin completely sprawled out on the other side. I laugh and put a blanket over her. She's still out cold. I go check the clock above the stove and it says 11:00 AM. I start work at noon. Shit. I quickly shower and get dressed and grab my work stuff.

Robins finally awake as I'm rushing around getting my keys and vest from the kitchen. "Hey I got work, will you lock up? How long are you in town for?" She yawns and stretches out. "I'll be here till Sunday. Call me tomorrow with every possible detail. I'm staying with my parents so you know the number." I run over and give her a hug and kiss the top of her head. "Thanks again. See you later!" I'm practically sprinting out the door. "Good luck dingus! Go get your boy!" My boy. Those two words make my heart race.

I get to work with 2 minutes to spare and burst through the front door. "You look like shit, Harrington." I roll my eyes at Keith. "Yeah what else is new? Get outta here. I'll see you later." He gradually makes his way out of the store.

I spend most of my day just trying to keep my head clear. I'm so nervous about this date. I know he likes me as a friend and hell, he flirts with me more often than not. But as someone he's dating? What if this is just awkward? I really hope not. It'll be fine. Be yourself. Robins words really help calm my nerves a bit.

The front door opens while I'm in the middle of restocking some of the new releases. "Hi welcome in. I'll be with you in a sec!" I call out not checking to see who it is. Suddenly I feel hands wrap around my waist. "Okay who the fuck-?" I turn around quickly and I'm nose to nose with Eddie. My eyes widen and I freeze on the spot. He smiles and pulls away. I almost want to whine at the loss of his contact. "I wanted to see you sooner than tonight and make sure you're alive, and weren't just drunk dialing me." He laughs. I'm still stunned, but shake my head to try to restart my brain. "I swear I didn't drunk dial you. Yes alcohol was involved but I promise it was the truth."

He smiles widely. I could just melt right here. "Good. See you soon, then?" I nod. "I'll be by to come get you at 8. I wanna go home and change first." He looks me up and down a couple of times. "So no unsuspecting video store clerk role play? Boooooo." He chuckles and walks backwards towards the door. "See ya later, sweetheart." He winks at me and disappears out of the front of the store. My brain feels like it just leaked out of my ears. I've done completely dumb. What the fuck was that? Hold it together. It's just a date. But my GOD was that the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life. He came to check on me?! Only Eddie would be the one to do that.

The rest of the day drags on. It feels like ages until I finally get to close down the store. I run out to my car, get belted in and drive as fast as I possibly can without getting pulled over. Luckily it's not a long drive home. I get inside my apartment and there's a note scrawled out on a torn piece of paper on my counter.

Breath. It's just Eddie. You already know him. Don't get all weird and in your head. Be you. He already likes you.
Don't fuck it up.
The coolest lesbian you'll ever know R.B.

She's right. She's always fucking right and I both hate and love her for it. I take a few deep breaths and try to cool my nerves down. It's just Eddie. He's already said yes to the date and he came to check on me at work today. He does like me. Like actually likes me. Okay. I got this.

I go into my room and get dressed into something that doesn't completely wreak of old popcorn which for some reason every video store tends to smell like. I pull on a green sweater and some blue jeans. I go to the bathroom and fix my hair. Obviously it needs to look perfect. Who would I be without this mop?

I finally manage to get back down to my car and turn the radio on to the Smith's tape I've been favoring a lot lately and smoke a cigarette on my way over to Eddie's. It's a little earlier than 8 when I get there. I see Eddie sitting on his front stairs smoking a cigarette too. His eyes make contact directly with mine. I smile shyly and wave, getting out of my car and walking over. "You're early Harrington." I kick at the ground. "Yeah sorry I'm... well. I'm nervous as fuck honestly." He smiles and reaches out touching my face. "I make you, Steve. Lady killer of Hawkins, nervous? Me? You're sure?" I roll my eyes. "Yes Munson. You. Make me. Nervous." I point between the two of us. "That's adorable."

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