Ch.25: The Apartment

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A/N; I'm sick so bare with me here. Lol. This chapter is so fluffy.

TW; mention of trauma. intimacy 🥰

I keep dreaming of the night Eddie got hurt. It won't stop playing in my head over and over. The sound of the gun shot ringing through my ears. I can never risk something like that happening to him again.

Waking up with rapid breathing and my heart pounding is just something I'm used to. It usually was from some awful nightmare of the upside down. Almost losing everyone I care about back home. But that night, Eddie nearly dying because of loving me? That's going to be the worst of it. I'll always have this guilt that follows me around after that.

"Hey, are you okay? You jolted. Did you have another nightmare?"

I shake my head and rub my face. "I'm alright. Sorry I woke you up."

"I've been awake. I'm just laying here appreciating having you this close again."

"What time is it?" I yawn and stretch out a bit, laying on my back. Eddie sets his hand on my chest softly and sighs. "It's a little after 8. What time do we go see the apartment?"

"11. We could have slept more."

"No. I don't think I could miss out on seeing you like this." I roll my eyes. "Sweaty from having a nightmare?"

"No! All cute and sleepy eyed. It's a favorite." He smiles and runs his hand along my cheek. I sigh and look over at him. "Okay but why do you have to be so sweet right now?"

"What? I can't admire how lovely you are?"

"You're giving me cavities."

"You're ruining my moment!" Eddie whines and makes a face at me. I shake my head and smile. "It's my purpose in life to make you irritated all the time."

"Well you're damn good at it." He furrows his brows together. I get up and walk over to our bags to pull out some clothes for both of us to change into. "Have you taken meds yet?"

"Yes mom, I took my meds." He rolls his eyes. I'm a little surprised he remembered to do that, without me having to say anything. "How'd you manage that without waking me up?"

"Magic." He sticks his tongue out at me, and tries to sit up slowly leaning himself against the wall behind the bed. "I can do things for myself too, you know. I've a little busted up but I've been taking care of myself this long and haven't died."

"In the 4 years I've known you you've almost died twice. I don't think you're that good at taking care of yourself."

"Hey listen neither of those was my fault okay?"

"Sure, sure." I set his clothes down on the bed next to him and walk over to the small bathroom. "I need to shower. I'm sure you do too and that I'm not letting you do on your own. So c'mon."

"Not missing out on this opportunity so give me a second." I start the shower, making sure to turn on the warm water, letting it get up to temperature before getting in. He stands up slowly, carefully walking his way over to the bathroom with me, and pulls the curtain aside to join me. I hold his hands so he can step in easier, and let him under the warm water first.

I watch as the water pours over his hair and face. The bruising is starting to lighten a little near his eye. Which is a good sign. "Oh shit we didn't take of the bandages here let me just-" I unravel it from around his waist carefully. He makes a scrunched face when the water hits his wounds a bit. "Sorry."

"Nothing to be sorry for. Just hurts. I'll get through it. Like I said, I'm not made of glass. It'll heal."

"Can I help wash you?"

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