Ch. 30: This Side of Paradise

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A/N; here we are. The last chapter. My heart's in my throat. I love you all. Thanks for riding with me through all the ups and downs of my first finished book. Please stay tuned for a new one in the near future. This isn't the end of it for our boys.

TW; emotional and suggestive moments

Morning. The last day in Hawkins, Indiana. The last time I will see the sign, LEAVING HAWKINS. At least for the near future. There's nothing left here for us.

Wayne is moving out of Hawkins as well, he got a better job out in Indianapolis. Which will be really good for him, both of us think. He needs something better than Hawkins, somewhere that's going to treat him with respect like he deserves. He already got a place all set up and ready to go, and made sure to leave Eddie with his new phone number.

I have made a few phone calls in the last 24 hours, called the Byer's, said goodbye to Joyce and Hop. Talked with Dustin's mom for awhile as well. They're all so proud of us for leaving and doing what we need to, to be happy. It was a little emotional, honestly. I have never really been in favor of parents, of anyone's parents really, but they've all become so close like we're actually family. I had to at least tell them goodbye.

"You ready to go, darlin?" Eddie pops the last box into the back of the truck, and shuts the door. I think I'm as ready as I can be. We hooked up my car to be towed behind, so we wouldn't have to come back and get it. It's still wild to me that it's completely fixed. No sign of the horrible words that were sprayed there, not a single bit of broken glass left.

"I think so." I sigh and take one last look around. "I made a new mixed tape for us." Eddie smiles, pulling a tape out of his pocket. "How did you even manage that?"

"Couldn't sleep." It's got NY Baby! written across the front. So much like Eddie to do something like that. "You're absolutely perfect, do you know that?"

"Me? Does Steve really think I'm perfect? Oh be still my heart." His smile cracks right through. "Can you not be an ass, for like one second and take the damn compliment?" He snickers and practically floats over to me. "I looove you baby." His arms snake around my neck, pulling me in for a kiss. No point in hiding affection anymore.

"I love you too. Always. Let's get going. Long road ahead." We get into the truck, Eddie protesting about not being able to drive right away. I still haven't let him. "If I get tired, I'll let you drive. You sit there and look pretty, and handle the music."

"I haven't been able to drive in weeks Stevie and you won't let me drive your car, this is my only chance. C'mon..."

"You drive like a maniac and everything we own is behind us. No way."

"I'll drive nice. Pleeeease?" He's batting his eyes and thinking he's gonna win, but there's no way I'm letting him drive unless I actually need him to. Plus it's true, his driving scares me sometimes. "No, Eds. Not unless I absolutely have no other choice." He puts the tape into the tape deck of the truck, putting a hand on my thigh, and getting way too close in my space. "You're sure you're not going to let me drive, Princess?" My breathing hitches. I have to blink a few times and shake my head to get my brain to restart.

"Don't do that. That's not fair."

"Do what?" His smile is going to crack into pieces if it got and wider. "Get me all mushy and braindead so you can get your way."

"I would never!"

"You would. And currently are trying." I roll my eyes and try to push him away, to no avail. He scoots himself into my lap, facing me. "Eddie, come on... This isn't fair. We're still outside the apartment and there's people literally everywhere. We have to get going..."

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