Ch. 19: Young God pt.2

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A/N; I'm listening to Young God by Halsey on repeat writing this. I would recommend it. It sets the whole mood for the chapter. The building music is the best way I can describe how Steve's feeling without actually writing it down.

TW;  love, emotional stuff, some slightly suggestive thoughts/dialog

We lay together in the dark. The only sound between the two of us is just the music that remains playing softly. My mind is a blur. The way I can best describe it, is euphoric. Everything about me, my body, my mind, feels unreal. It doesn't feel like I'm actually here, but I know for a fact that I am indeed here. Lying next to the most beautiful person in the world. Who is the soul reason that I feel the way I do.


"Yes, my love?"

"I just wanted to tell you, that I love you. More than anything or anyone else."

He chuckles, the sound sends a vibration through my body right into my heart. It's like music. It almost makes me emotional. "I absolutely, undoubtedly, love you Steve."

"I don't ever want to feel any different than I do right now." I put my hand on my chest, tracing over my fresh scar, his initials, above my heart forever. He'll always be a part of me. It should hurt, it should sting at least, but it doesn't. Not at all. I glance over to Eddie, and his eyes are glistening slightly. "Oh no, what did I do?" I reach over and pull him close to me. "You didn't do anything wrong. Not even a little bit. I've just never felt this close to someone before."

I kiss the top of his head. "Me either." He pulls his face up a bit, to look at me. I trace my hand across his cheek and along his jawline. "God, how are you this beautiful?" He closes his eyes, letting my words of adoration flow over him. "I love every inch of you. Every part of your mind. I will always love you, Eddie. I promise you that." I cup his jaw and kiss him gently.

"Forever?" He looks back to me, back and forth between my eyes, like that's really a question he wants to know my answer to. "Not a single doubt in my mind."

I feel vulnerable, like I'm spilling out some kind of secret I've never told him before. I tell him that I love him all the time. We say it every day, but in this moment, it feels more raw and real than any other time I've told him.

"Do you think this is what heaven feels like?" His words are soft, innocent almost. Considering what just happened between the two of us, innocence is a change of pace. My wrists are bruised, raw from fighting the handcuffs more often than not, and I am not sure exactly of the state of the rest of my body.

"If there's a heaven, being there with you would be all I need." He sighs happily. "You're perfection. Who would have thought, me, getting you? Shit..."

"We could really take over the world if we wanted to. Like an unstoppable power couple. Some kinda gods or something. You and your music skills? Me and my relentless ambitions? We're really gonna be something, baby. I just know it."

"You know my dream is to become a rockstar... what are your dreams, darlin? What do you want to do for the rest of forever?"

"I'd love to direct. Actually. I've been thinking of looking into film school. I hated high school so much because it never interested me... But if I could get into a school that would teach me something I actually like? Fuck, that's the dream. You know?"

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