Ch.11: New York

225 9 54

TW; mentions of drug dealing

There's so much to consider with the possibility of getting out of this town with Eddie. Where we'll go, how we can possibly manage to get enough to go anywhere at all. I don't even know where to begin.

After my breakdown and a long talk about what 'running away' would consist of, Eddie went back home. He had some deals to make I guess and wants to do whatever he can to make more money to help me feel less stress. Which left me alone in my thoughts but I think I'm okay now. There's only so much I can do about people deciding how they feel about me and Eddie together. And I will not lose him or break up with him just because some losers are closed minded.

I really do want out of this town. I don't think there's anything left here for me once the boys graduate. They're all going to different colleges all over the place. I know this is always going to be home for them, but since graduating it's just not home to me anymore. My parents sold the house after I moved out, no point in them keeping something they're never at, so it's not like I have family around. Moving out of here and starting fresh will be good for me. For us.

The only place that comes to mind anywhere near where we are now is New York State. Open minded. Upbeat. Lots of opportunities for music for Eddie and plenty of places to explore. Robin has also been attending NYU for the last couple of years so it's not like we wouldn't know anyone there.

The phone rings, "Hello?"

"Hey it's Robin. How are you holding up? Called last night but Eddie said you were in bad shape... I have to leave today in a couple hours to go back to school but I wanted to check on you."

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just, in shock I think? I hate the people here so much Rob. I uh... I talked to Eddie about leaving Hawkins."

"I don't think that's a bad idea. You know I'll visit you wherever you end up right? You're not gonna get rid of me that easily."

"Well I was thinking somewhere more... open minded?"

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?!" Her voice is starting to do that high pitched excited thing.

"Robin. Don't scream in my ear, but I was thinking of maybe, MAYBE, considering New York?"


"I told you not to yell, my eeears"

"Sorry, sorry I'm just so excited. Is that even a possibility? Holy shit I would love that. I'd be able to come see you all the time! And you could meet my friends there and we could have movie nights and you could come to parties with me! Oh! Eddie would love it there! There's so many concerts and music and-"


"Am i rambling?"

"Yes. Yes you are." I let out a chuckle. I think it would be really nice to be somewhere like that. Being somewhere new to both of us with nobody knowing who we are. I would be able to leave the house and not worry about someone instantly knowing my whole life story and jumping down my throat about who I'm choosing to be with. Fuck that would be so nice.

"Well. Really think about it okay? I know it's a big change but since I'm already there it's not like you'd be alone. And there's a family video there, so technically you could transfer to a new store and still have a job..."

"I'll talk with Eddie more when he gets back. He's out doing things now, and it only just occurred to me where we should try to aim for. I like knowing you'll already be there and have friends who won't judge..."

"See! I like this already. Yes. Talk with Eddie. Hey I gotta go. My parents wanna spend the rest of the time with me and take me to lunch and family shit. I'll call you in a couple days from school okay? I have class tomorrow and Tuesday so I'll probably be dead inside."

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