Ch. 16: Corroded Coffin

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A/N; first time writing on the laptop. We'll see how this goes. Honestly feels a little easier to type on than an Ipad or my phone so that's cool.

TW; nothin. Another no drama. <3

Eddie had mentioned that he has band practice today, and I really don't want to keep him from going to something that important to him. He has the show this weekend which honestly really scares me to even think about letting him go. What if the assholes show up there? At least we would have more than just me and him around in an empty video store.

"Eds, don't you have practice tonight?" He nods, "But are you okay with me going? Do you want to come with me? I'm sure the guys wouldn't mind. It's not like it would be the first time you've crashed one." He's not wrong, I've been to a few. I don't think Gareth likes me much still because of how I treated everyone in school. But, if everyone else can let that go I'm fairly certain that he could too.

"You sure you want me to go? I can't promise I won't be a distraction." He smiles and wraps an arm around me. "I think I can accept that I will be distracted. But we do have to practice. We can talk to them a bit about the plan too, see what they think?" It will be a good place to get my mind off of the drama of today. Talking about a future with him always seems to do the trick, even after having our lives threatened today.

We drive over to Jeff's house, they practice in his garage. If we move out of here all together, they'll need a better rehearsal space...that's for sure. A garage is fine for a small time band, not someone who actually wants to succeed in this whole thing. They'll need a manager too. But that's a lot to consider.

"Eddie! Thank god you're here." Jeff walks up to us and pulls him over to the rest of the band. "We were worried you weren't going to show. We haven't heard from you in a couple of weeks."

"Eds it's been weeks? C'mon. You can't do that to them. I'm sorry guys that's been my fault." I rub the back of my neck nervously. Blushing slightly from the rush of memories we've quickly created. I sit on a stool on the side of the garage making sure to keep enough room away from them so I don't cause too much of a distraction. I know it won't be much help but it's the least I can do.

"Yeah he hasn't talked to any of us..." Gareth gives me a look. If looks could kill I'd be dead on the floor. "Well that's because I have some... well. News. It's new, so don't get all uppity about it, yeah?" Eddie looks around to all of them with a big smile. "Guys, Stevie here made an honest man outta me." They all look to me with a bit of shock, but don't seem angry so I think it's progress. "Oh shit dude really?! It's about time Harrington." Jeff says excitedly. "It's about time?" I'm a little confused. "Oh yeah, Munson doesn't ever shut up about you. He's been completely enamored for YEARS." Eddie's face turns completely red. It makes me smile, I'm glad I'm not the only one with embarrassing friends.

"Oookay that's enough about me. Let's practice. What are we thinking song wise?" He quickly shoos the guys back over to their instruments grabbing a piece of paper to write a set list down on. "Well we only have the stage for about 30 mins, so I would say we need to play some good ones... let's see..."

"Do you guys think we should do something a little slower? I mean we've played so many of the faster songs I just think... maybe like something chill. You know?"

"Oooh like a ballad night! I think that's a killer idea." Gareth seems to be on board. Not that I'm bias but I do prefer Eddie's voice in the softer songs. He's only sang them in a show a handful of times but it's completely entrancing. Maybe that's because I've been completely in love with him this whole time, but that's besides the point.


1. Silent Lucidity- Queensryche

2. Hysteria- Def Leopard Cover

3. Talk Dirty To Me- Poison Cover

4. No One Like You- Scorpions Cover

5. This Side Of Paradise- Original by Corroded Coffin

"Okay so we know all of these already, but I think we need to go over This Side because I finally finished it." Eddie smiles over at me. I feel my face heat, knowing that's a special one written just for me.

They run through it, Eddie making sure to teach everyone the timings and getting everything perfect. I do like it this way too, without it being just me and him singing acoustically. But that will always be my preference. Just me and him sitting together singing. I adore this man. More than I can comprehend really.

"So I have a question since you're all here and open to embarrassing Eddie." I look to the group of guys smiling. Eddie gives me a look, like don't start, but I'm not worried about it. "How long has he been working on this song for?"

Jeff decides to be the one to break the silence, "About a year. He wouldn't let us help." A YEAR?! This man has been working on this song for a whole goddamn year. "Eddie, seriously?" He won't even look at me, he's just glaring at Jeff. Another moment of if looks could kill.

Gareth comes up to me and sits on a chair next to the one I'm in. "Look man, I'm gonna tell this to you so we can just get through it. Don't hurt him, okay? I know that he looks like he can take a hit, but to his heart? He could never."

"So are we saying a truths then? You're not going to hate me forever?"

"I've never hated you, Harrington. I've seen how you are to the kids in the party and that you've become a really important person to Eddie. We don't need him to get hurt because you're experimenting with your sexuality or whatever. Just know this dude really loves you, don't fuck that up okay?"

"I promise this isn't some experiment, alright? I'm in this for the long haul. I love him. I have for a long time. It took some time for me to get my head out of my ass to figure it out. But there's no way that I could imagine ever hurting him."

He nods and we shake hands on it. I guess this is his version of the best friend talk and I will take what he said to heart.

Eddie interrupts with loud cough. "Gentleman, I have something of up most importance to discuss." They all look to him, like he's the most important person in the world. "What would you say if I proposed that we try to actually take this band and make it big time?"

"What's that mean?" Gareth looks confused. "Well, I have some news. Me and Steve have decided to move the fuck out of this town. And I don't wanna leave you all behind. What would you say if I told you we were going to New York?"

"Dude what?! WHEN?!" Jeff's reaction has me a little worried. "Uh... well like... 4 weeks?"

"Eddie are you kidding me? Of course I'm coming! Get us THE FUCK out of here? Hell yeah!" Jeff practically cheers. One on board. Gareth looks to be thinking deeply about the decision. "I mean, it might take me a little more than 4 weeks to figure out, but uh, yeah. I'm down."

HOW WAS THAT SO EASY?! "Awe guys really?!" Eddie is practically vibrating he looks so excited. "Yeah man, let's do this. We wanted to take this band out to the city anyway. What better excuse than you actually moving there? We can all move there. Gareth, you think we could swing a place if we room together? Find like, a two bedroom or something?" Jeff smiles widely. Gareth nods his head in agreement. "It might be easier if we pool together our money anyway. Fuck this town. Let's go to New York boys!"

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