Ch. 8: Make Me Tacos

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TW; suggestive situations

The house is quiet with light snores when I wake up in the morning. Robin asleep in the chair, completely kicked back with the foot rest up. Eddie asleep in my arms with his head on my chest. Work today isn't going to be an easy feat. The migraine in my head reminding me to not drink so much before having to be amongst the living.

"Eds, hey, I gotta get up." He whines and wraps his arms around me tighter. I laugh, and try to wiggle my way out from under him. "Nooo don't gooo" he buries  his face in my chest protesting quietly so we do not wake Robin. Although I don't think that a bomb going off would wake her after a night of drinking.

"Baby, I gotta go. I don't want to. But I have to." He mutters something and turns so I can escape his grasp. "Come over to my place later?" I kiss the top of his head, his face is buried into the couch pillows now. His hand comes up and squeezes mine, and he turns to face me. "When are you off?" I lean down and kiss him gently. "3 today. I open so I'll be back sooner. Get some sleep. I love you."

"I love you..." he mumbles with a smile and drifts right back to sleep. I go into the kitchen, drink some water and find the Tylenol. I'm going to need coffee in an IV today. God I feel like garbage. I sneak back to Eddie's room and grab a clean shirt from his closet. I guess any shirt would be better then the sweaty one I am in now. I just need to leave clean stuff here too. So in case of impromptu future sleepovers, I have something to put on without having to drive over to my apartment first. I slide on one of his Metallica shirts. It smells like him which makes me sure that I've chosen correctly.

Without making too much sound I manage to get back out to my car. Thank god I only work until 3. Early shifts tend to go by faster, which I'm grateful for.

Finally getting to work I open up the store. Turn each one of the lights and signs on. A couple of hours pass and only 2 people have stopped by. Leaving me a lot of time to just sit here and think, I finish off my 3rd cup of coffee and the front door opens.

It's Dustin! "Where the fuck have you been kid?!" He grins and walks over wrapping me up in a hug. "Wait don't you have school?" He shakes his head, releasing me. "No we had a half day so I figured I'd come see you before me, Mike and Will take a trip out to California to see Jonathan and Nancy." It's so good to see him. I feel like it's been forever.

"Im glad you still think of me with your busy schedule."

"Oh shut up I'm here now aren't I? I could never forget about my mom!" He cracks himself up with his own joke. I roll my eyes., laughing a bit with him. "We could hangout next Sunday when you're off. We're gonna be out of town all week but I feel like I never get to see you."

"I'd like that. You know where I live still, right Henderson?"

"Oh fuck off. I'll be over next week then. I gotta run! See ya later asshole!"

"Bye shithead!"

He leaves the store, and I cannot help but to smile. I'm excited to spend time with my another good friend. It's true though, he doesn't spend much time with me or Eddie anymore. All of what they call "the party" some lame dnd term I think, are all out doing their own thing lately. Which I guess is fine and all. Just stings a bit seeing my kids grow up and not need a babysitter anymore. I guess I did turn into a mom. They sure ignore me like one!

My hours finally come to an end as Keith comes in to replace my spot at the counter. "Most everything's already done. There's a few rentals that need to be put back. Otherwise, slow day. Good luck tonight." Friday and Saturday nights are always the busiest here and I'm thankful to work mornings for both. Sunday we're closed so I can spend another full day wrapped up with Eddie. I'm glad to be able to look forward to that.

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