Ch.13: Let Me Take Care Of You

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TW; lovey stuff and SURPRISE SMUT. You're welcome. I'm in a giving mood ig.

Monday morning. And I mean morning as in like 6 am again. Why do I keep waking up this early? Eddie is blissfully unaware as usual, sleeping away. I unravel myself from his arms as carefully as possible and make my way to the bathroom, deciding to take a bath to relax. I run the warm water and lower myself in, in hopes to get rid of this anxiety that keeps waking me up too early in the mornings.

Baths always have been a calming space for me. Even when I was a kid it's one of the only things that would calm me down. There's a light tap on the door. Damn I thought I was quiet. "Darlin you okay in there?"

"Yeah I'm okay. You can come in if you want." Eddie opens the door slowly. He comes in yawning and stretching. "Couldn't sleep again?"

"Yeah I'm sorry if I woke you again. I didn't mean to. I thought I was being quiet." I sigh and sink down further into the bath.

"No you didn't wake me. The empty bed woke me. I went to roll over and cuddle you and there was no you there. Then I heard the water running. Mind if I join you? I'll wash your hair." He smiles a sleepy grin at me. I scoot up a bit to make room and he strips down and sinks in behind me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and chest. I feel the weight of his head on my shoulder.

"Here lean back a bit so I don't get soap or water in your eyes." His hands gently massage my scalp as he lathers the soap through my hair. This feels so nice. It's intimate and gentle. I've never had someone treat me like this before. He rinses, making sure to make a seal with his hand on my forehead so no soap gets into my face. "So. What's on your mind that's been waking you up?"

"I'm just worried about going back to work... I don't wanna go there and end up getting jumped or something. You know?"

"I get that. Is there anything we can do to make you feel less worried about it?" He rubs some conditioner into my hair now, rubbing small circles into my scalp and through the ends of my hair. "I'm not sure. Unless I can have an entourage of people with me 100% or the time."

He's quiet for a moment. Letting my words sink in and rinses the conditioner out. "I mean I'm able to come with you for the most part. I may have to leave a few times to run deals and stuff but. Really my days are fairly open."

"Eds you don't have to come with me all the time."

"Baby look, I know you're worried. I don't want another thing stressing you out. Let me help. Please?"

"I don't know what I did to deserve you..." I lean back onto his chest, sighing quietly. "I don't want you getting hurt either."

"If there's 2 of us at least it would be a fairer fight." He's right, but if someone were to hurt him because of our relationship I don't know if I could forgive myself. We have less than a month left to figure out leaving. A few weeks of sticking together might be the trick to staying safe but chances are we'll get outnumbered. Our outcome here isn't looking as good as I'd like. "Fine. You can come with me to work. But, you have to promise something."

"I'll promise you nearly anything..."

"If you see more than let's say... 2 to 3 people approaching, you don't stick around. I need you to run. Get Hopper. Don't try to be a hero this time. You almost died the last time you didn't listen to me about that. And I won't lose you again."

He sighs loudly and hugs me against him tightly. "Fine. I'll get Hopper if I see trouble. Okay? Happy?"

"Yes. Now turn around so I can wash your hair."

He obliges and turns. I do the same courtesy for him, massaging his scalp for him softly and I feel him relax a bit and his shoulders fall. After rinsing the conditioner out a leave kisses along his shoulders. "I love you."

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