Ch. 24: Small Wins

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A/N; as I realize my story is starting to come to an ending point soon. (times ticking for our boys here) NOT TOO SOON. THERE WILL BE MORE CHAPTERS, IM NOT FINISHED YET. Just starting to come down to a place where I'd feel comfortable ending it. I'm wondering who would be interested in a sequel? I don't know if I have the heart to stop writing my versions of Steddie. Pls don't be shy and let me know. 🥰

Prequel too? Like. Maybe write some BS high school Steve/Eddie one shots to get some backstory on their years prior. Idk man.

TW; pain, trauma mention, implied nudity? 😏 Lol.

The train ride was bumpier than expected. Both of us in a lot of pain still, but manageable with the excitement and medicine. I'm sure us arriving all bruised up and limping isn't the best case scenario but it is what it is. It's worth it.

While we were still in the hospital I made sure to contact the people who needed to hear from us. Robin of course chatted my ear off for nearly an hour trying to figure out all the details, which I truly didn't have since I blacked out after getting hit. Eddie also couldn't remember much. Aside from some awful slurs being shouted at him, seeing me getting knocked in the side of my head, and then the shot. He couldn't recall who was the one to shoot. Although I'm sure we could assume it was Tyler.

I called Dustin as well, letting him know where we were and how everything was going. He seemed a little more calm hearing both of us being able to speak coherently. I told him not to worry, and that we would be back soon to come to see him. Wounded and all.

We arrive in the city around 8 PM on Sunday evening. The night air feeling cool compared to being in a hot and quite crowded train for the last 24 hours. "This is it Eds" We walk out to the street, hailing a taxi to get to the hotel we'll be staying in.

"I'm not sure if I'm going to want to leave after being here for the next couple of days with you."

"We have things to take care of first. You know that. We can't just up and leave without a trace."

"But I already feel so much better just being out of there..." I grab his hand tightly. "I know. I do too."

We arrive at the hotel and I grab our bags from the back of the taxi, carrying them up to the front desk to get our room key. Everything was already set up for us, thank you to past me being on top of it. "You don't have to carry all my stuff you know... I can do it."

"Look you're lucky I'm not carrying you around." I smirk and adjust the bags. I'm sort of used to the feeling of being a little broken after the number of times I've been fucked up. My ribs aren't bothering me near as much as they should be. Maybe that's also due to the caretaker part in me but that's also besides the point.

I let Eddie open the room, since he's being insistent on doing something. I set our bags onto the table and lay back on the bed. Slightly feeling a burn come from my sides. Eddie sits softly next to me, making sure he's slow with his movements. "It feels nice to lay down in something other than a hospital bed."

"We have to change your bandages. Don't het too comfortable"

"Ughhhh cmon I just laid down." He sighs and starts to try to sit back up again.

"Well then stay right there. I'll go get it." I get up going over to our bags and start to rummage through to find the bandages and cleaning supplies.

"Can it wait? Please? I just wanna be able to hold you a little bit..."

"No Eddie, it cannot wait. Do you want to get an infection?" I look back over at him, hands on my hips.

"Babyyy come onnnn" he whines.

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