Ch.17: I'm In Love With A Rockstar

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A/N; Yup time skipping to the concert bc I don't feel like writing out the rest of the week and potentially scarring you readers with more trauma, yet. So here, a treat, from me to you.

Here's the song list in case you will want to listen along, it uh... will definitely add to the story line. :3 All the songs will be on the playlist I have created for this book so far.

the link:

1. Silent Lucidity- Queensryche

2. Hysteria- Def Leopard

3. Talk Dirty To Me- Poison

4. No One Like You- The Scorpions

5. This Side Of Paradise- Coyote Theory

TW; suggestive situations 😏

--Day of Show--

Eddie is off getting ready in the bathroom at his trailer, and I am stuck here in the bedroom not even having the foggiest clue on what to wear as the boyfriend of the lead singer... What do I even put on? Like, normally I would just wear whatever. That's what I've done in the past. Just a polo or a sweater. But, should I try to get adventurous and wear something else? That's it I'm asking him what he thinks, I can't sit here and think myself to death over clothes. That's dumb as hell.

"Eds?" I lightly knock on the bathroom door and hear a "-shit! Ow... fuck... uh, yeah babe?" What is he doing in there? "I... I don't know what to wear." I say sounding a bit defeated. This is so lame.

"Well you can always look through my clothes, that's fine. I don't mind. You'd look great in whatever."

"Well damnit that doesn't help me at all." I cross my arms and lean on the wall behind me.

"Here, one second let me just.. okay. Okay. Here I'll come help you."

Eddie comes out of the bathroom, and let me tell you something, if sex could be a walking talking person, this would be what it looks like. His hair is a mess of curls, fluffed to absolute perfection. A small amount of smudged black eyeliner on each one of his already dark eyes, adding a bit of mystery to his face in the best kind of way. A cropped ((you're welcome for that visual)) Corroded Coffin Shirt, showing off just enough of his stomach to leave you absolutely breathless. Tight black jeans with holes in all the right places, down his thighs and knees. Black combat boots, half laced. Jesus Christ. "Fuck I don't know if we're going to get out of the house with you looking like that."

"What do you mean I always look like this for shows..." He looks down at his outfit self-consciously, pulling at his shirt a bit. "No I uh... I mean look at you. Jesus Christ." His face flushes, and a small smile appears across his lips. "You like it?"

"Uh no. I love it. Like I said, if we didn't have somewhere to be in an hour and have other people waiting on us..." My voice trails off a bit, my eyes scanning down his body slowly so I can take it all in one more time. "Ohhhh. Yeah no you're gonna mess up my eyeliner." He puts up his fingers in a little cross motion and walks over to his bedroom, scouring through the closet.

I walk up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist slowly. "I mean... you sure about that? That could add to this whole thing you got going on."

"Harrington, you're gonna start something we do not have the time to finish. I suggest you stop it."

"Or what?" I pull him in a little closer so our hips are aligned. He turns around quickly, inches from my face. "Be a good boy and I'll do whatever you want later. We don't have the time." His voice is stern, and his eyes are locked on mine. My knees get weak and any amount of nerve I had left in me dissipates from me quickly. He pats me on the cheek, softly. "That's what I thought. Now here, put this on and we can leave."

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