Ch. 18: Young God pt 1

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A/N; I'm just gonna continue on the night a bit. Let's say the show was like.. 7 PM ish. Okay? Cool. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk. Also yes, Steve was working this whole time and nothing crazy happened in the last couple of days, so all is well in their world for now.

This is going to be a very dialog heavy chapter. I hope that's alright. Sorry, n shit.

TW; Okay so fair warning here, ACTUAL drug use. Like gonna go through the whole process here. If you are uncomfortable with that at all this chapter is not for you. Can't say I didn't warn ya. (Don't @ me for TSwift lyrics, I'll have none of that.)  also smut (surprise), bdsm, cutting. It's intense. I took hours very carefully writing this. They're exploring sexuality completely here. And I hope you enjoy the ride.

The drive home was grooling. We had to drop the guys off at each of their houses before making it back to Eddie's trailer. "Wayne still isn't home?" I notice his work truck still absent from it's usual parking spot out front. "Oh, nah. He's still out of town. I talked to him yesterday, he said he's probably going to be out for another week or so."

"Did you talk to him at all about our plan?"

"I did. We had a good talk actually. He also said that he's proud of you, for finally coming out."

"Finally? What's that supposed to mean?!" Eddie giggles. "Babe you don't hide things as well as you think you do. Plus Wayne has known about me for a long time. He's observant as hell."

"Well you didn't know I was into you, so."

"Zip it." He rolls his eyes, and we go inside.

Eddie goes into the kitchen grabbing a glass of water. "So we have the rest of tonight to do aaaanything you want. Got any ideas?" He raises his eyebrows at me from over the edge of his glass. "I mean... I thought I was pretty clear earlier." I smirk and run my hand through my hair, slowly making my way over to the kitchen.

"Hold that thought for just a minute. I was uh.. thinking about something. Maybe you would consider trying?" Something I would consider trying? My heart rate picks up slightly, what does he mean consider? "Oh uh... like what?"

"Well.. Okay hear me out. I know you're not into this kinda stuff but when I was running around this week doing some deals I.. came across something and I thought. Maybe we could try it, together?" What kind of trouble is this guy trying to get me into now? He knows I don't do anything besides smoke weed. I've never even heard of half the things that he ends up selling honestly. "Well it's... it's MDMA."

"I mean doesn't that make people like... really touchy?" I shift on my feet. I mean I've heard of it a little, people at parties do it and end up like.. making out in bathtubs and dancing their asses off all night. I don't want to do any of that. Even the question makes me nervous.

"Can I explain why I would like to do it, so it seems less weird that I'm asking?"

"I mean... sure. I'll let you explain."

"Okay so hear me out. It will make you feel really touchy. But, aside from that, it can open you up a bit to emotions. And I think that would be something sort of magical for us. We already have pretty good communication but could you imagine your nerves not being in the way, at all? Letting down any walls that you have up and any hesitation to talk about something with me. And I do mean anything, because you lose the sense of apprehensiveness. Plus you get this all over tingly body feeling that makes EVERYTHING feel good. Like I could hold your hand and you would swear it was the best feeling that you've ever had in your whole life. I uh.. wouldn't want you to do something that you don't want to do though. No pressure. I've done it a couple of times and it wasn't that great, I just ended up talking everyone's ear off for the night but. I wanted to see what it would feel like to... try it with someone I love?"

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