Ch. 27: Graduation

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A/N; I'm back and freshly inspired. <3

TW; this made me cry writing it. 💕😭

I called Keith. I quit Family Video. The memories were too much for me now. And that's not something I'm going to keep letting hold me back. It's not good for me. Eddie was right about it. I did want to spend time with him much more than I wanted to put myself through potential PTSD nightmares just from being there. I had enough of those on my own.

I'll find somewhere else to work when we move. When we move. One more week.

Today, is a day, that I get to focus on the kids. My boys are finally graduating. The moment we really all have been waiting for. Going back to Hawkins High is not enjoyable. But, for them? Me and Eddie would probably do anything. I feel like a proud parent. We have all been through so much together.

The school is decorated with lots of 'Class of 89' banners, streamers, balloons. It doesn't seem so long ago that I was also walking these halls waiting anxiously to get the fuck out of here. To finally walk out and never think about attending another class again. But, now I'm here, considering college? I never thought I would get back into this mind frame. School's never been my favorite thing. It's never even been anywhere close to something I wanted to continue to do.

But I want to be something more. I want to be successful. I want to have a good life in New York, and for the rest of my life. I want to be better. I want to be better for Eddie. For me. For us.

Me and Eddie walk, hand in hand down the hallway to make our way to the gymnasium. It's packed with families all there to watch their kids graduate. I see some familiar faces, Nancy and Jonathan have returned for Will and Mike. We wave over to them. Nancy excitedly waves back to me, giving us both a big smile like she's proud of us. They must have been updated on our relationship status. I see the rest of the Wheeler family. Karen looks like she's already been crying.

Joyce, Hopp and El are sitting in the front row. She made a big sign, 'CONGRATS GRADS!' written largely across it. A part of my heart stings a bit. My parents didn't bother to show up for my graduation. It's not like I wanted them to really, but, you would think that they would show up for their only kid.

The Sinclair's are behind Joyce, Erica doing her best to look bored but I know she's so proud of Lucas. Who wouldn't be? Max's mom is close to her as well, with the biggest smile on her face.

I see Miss Henderson standing with a tissue in hand already. Dustin was never going to be able to escape from her hugs after this. He's going to spend the rest of the night trying to convince her to let him go to college. She's so protective of him. I'm glad he's got such a sweet mom.

We decide to sit off to the side. The music starts to play, and we see the room fill with the graduating class. Dustin, Mike, Will, Lucas and Max spot us and we have happily over to them. They look so grown up. It's insane what a couple of years can do.

Principal Higgins walks up to the microphone, and coughs lightly.

"Welcome Hawkins families the graduating class!"

The crowd roars up with cheers. Eddie lets out a loud whistle, and I push him slightly laughing. "Ow." He smiles sheepishly, and claps. "Better?" I shake my head and look over to the group, I can't stop smiling for them. They've worked so hard to get here.

His speech is short, to the point. Thank goodness. I can't wait to hear Dustin's valedictorian speech. "Please welcome our classes valedictorian, Dustin Henderson."

We all clap wildly. "LET'S GO HENDERSON!!!"

"First, we have much to be thankful for. Here at Hawkins we have received a great education thanks to our fine administration and teachers. Thanks so much for sticking with us all these years, it's been a wild ride, and we won't soon forget all of the lessons that we have learned here."

Yeah right, the teachers here are a joke. But Dustin has worked his ass off to be where he is. He's such a good kid.

"Fellow graduates, I want you to know what a great gift it is to be a friend and fellow classmate to you all. We have been through so much together and I could not ask for a better group to be graduating with this year.

We can also be thankful for our families. These past four years have presented us with a lot of ups and downs and it is good to know that we had our families in our corner, supporting us along the way. Thanks Mom, I wouldn't be here without you today."

I see Dustin's mom sobbing in the crowd. I can't help but get a little misty as well. Eddie nudges me and smiles. "He's doing so great." I nod in agreement.

"Now, what can we be inspired by today?

Personally, I am inspired by two of the best friends a guy could ever ask for. I wanted to personally thank Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington for being here today. Without your friendship and perseverance through everything we have been through, there's no way I would be up here talking to you all today. You're an inspiration to me, and to everyone you've ever come into contact with. I love you guys."

That's it. I can't keep the tears back anymore. I love this kid like he's my own. We have been through so much bullshit together, and seeing him up there today, is just... it's so crazy to think he was some annoying 12 year old when I met him. He irritated the shit out of me. With time we've grown so close and I just am so proud to call him one of my best friends.

"Often on graduation day we look outside for heroes but I see them right here among us. I'm so grateful to be here with all of my heroes today. We are the future of Hawkins, and we can be inspiration for the next generation to keep moving forward.

When you leave here today, celebrate what you have accomplished, but look forward with an eye toward how you, too, can be the inspiration for others.

Congratulations Class of 1989!"

The crowd erupts with cheers and whoots from all directions. I grab Eddie's hand tightly, noticing that he has been crying too. We wouldn't be here without these kids. We wouldn't be here without each other.

As each one of the kids walk the stage to grab their diploma, they look out to their families and us.

"William Byers." We cheer loudly. He smiles and waves shyly and hurries off the stage.

"Dustin Henderson." Whoots and whistles from me and Eddie, smiling proudly. He holds up two fingers, making the 'horns' and walks off stage to sit down.

"Maxine Mayfield." More loud cheers, she sticks her tongue out at me and Eddie and goes to sit with the rest.

"Lucas Sinclair" He jogs up on stage, smiling widely at everyone and waves to us excitedly, and jogs back down to join the boys.

"Michael Wheeler." He looks irritated to walk up on stage but he spots me and Eddie fist pumping for him and laughs and jogs off to sit with the rest of the group.

"Ladies and Gentleman, your graduating class of 1989!"

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