Ch. 10: Run Away With Me

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A/N; buckle up brochachos. 😎

TW; anxiety, homophobia, trauma

"Steve, I... I don't even know what to say... I'm so sorry." Robin's voice is barely above a whisper.

Outside of family video, in the back corner of the parking lot where I always park my BMW, my car stood. Windows smashed. Spray painted in red and black paint, the words 'THE KING IS A FAGGOT'. My heart falls down to the pit of my stomach. How could someone do something this cruel?

Sure. I've done my fair share of messed up things in my life. I've used people. I've been mean and resentful. I've teased and been a bully. But I've reformed. I've apologized. I've changed.

I guess this is payback for my years of tormenting. I deserve it. My chest feels tight and all I can do is collapse to the ground, sobbing. All I wanted to do was fall in love and really feel something. Just something simple for once. But my life has never been simple. It never will be.

"Steve..." Robin leans down next to me putting her hand on my back softly. "Honey, it's gonna be okay..."

"No it's not Robin. It's never going to be okay." I manage to say between sobs. I can't do this. I can't keep staying in this fucking town, I want to run.

She helps me stand up, but I'm inconsolable. The tears will not stop falling and I cant catch my breath. Is this a panic attack, again? We go inside the video store, Robin leads me back to the break room and sits me down in a chair. "Do you need anything?"

I shake my head. "I wanna go home..."

Robin disappears out to the front of the store. She doesn't come back for what seems like hours. I can't stop crying, and my vision is completely blurred. Breathing is impossible. There's nothing I can do to catch my breath and make it even. Hyperventilating, bawling my eyes out, I'm a mess.

The door opens again and I try to see who's approaching me. It's all shapes and colors until I feel the familiar mixture of metal and skin of someone's hand on my cheek. "Eddie...I-"

"Nope, don't worry about it. Let's get you home, yeah?" I nod and he helps me stand and walk out to his van. He scoops me up into his arms and lifts me into the passenger seat. I still can't see or hear much outside of my own thoughts and tears. But the door shuts and I hear some faint mumbling outside. The world goes black.

Eddie's POV

"I'm gonna take him home. Can you please call Keith and tell him Steve got sick or something? He can't work like this." Robin nods understandingly. "I'm on it. Will you call me later and let me know how he's doing please?" I hug her. "I will. Thank you for calling me... I'm gonna fix this. Those fuckers are gonna pay."

There's nothing more in this world I want more right now than to smash Tyler's head in. How could he do this shit? To Steve of all people. That used to be his best friend. How fucking dare him?

I thought all this bully shit would die down after Jason died but no. There's always gotta be someone. It's like a rotation of stupid biggot dumbassery. We shouldn't have to deal with this. Steve shouldn't have to deal with any of this.

It's all my fault. I should have never gotten close to him. I was selfish. Hoping he would fall in love with me and we would get some kind of fairytale happily ever after bullshit.  Why did he have to look at me like that? Why did I fall in love with the fucking king of Hawkins?

"Just... get him home. Okay?" Robin sighs and lets me go. "I will. I'll see you later okay Rob?" She nods and pats my back gently, disappearing back into the video store.

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