Ch. 23: Released

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A/N; we livin now? Good. Lol.

Yes I've written 3 chapters in a day. Don't @ me about it. Lol.

TW; mentions of hospitals, suggestive dialogue

"Dude I don't wanna be here anymore I'm... ow. I'm fine." Eddie's up and pacing around the room for the 5th time today. He won't sit still. We've been here for 5 days since he's been shot. "Baby you need to sit down... they'll release you when they feel like you'll be okay to go home."

"I'm going fucking nuts in here. I need a cigarette. I just wanna go home..."

"Boy if you don't sit your ass down they're gonna commit you." Wayne chimes in. He's been here since last night. He luckily relieved me the moment he got back last night. So I've been able to go home, shower. And grab a few things for me and Eddie. "Cmon listen to Wayne."

Eddie sighs and sits down on the bed, wincing when he does. His stitches are fresh still. Wounds still very much unhealed. His face was swollen on one side, a deep purple black eye, not to mention his broken ribs and collar bone. They really beat the shit out of him.

Hopper stopped by on Thursday to talk with us about what happened. In Eddie's favor, Tommy did push him first, which means Eddie was able to escape any sort of assault charges. But just barely. Even if he did get beat nearly to death, and shot, that was a big worry for me.

All 5 guys who had jumped me and Eddie were now behind bars, awaiting trial. Being charged with attempted murder, assault, as well as some sort of charge for a hate crime. Serves them right. They deserve to rot for what they've done.

"We're supposed to leave tonight to look at the apartment Steve. What are we supposed to do if I don't get released?"

"Of all the things... you're worried about our apartment tour?"

"Yes, Steven. I'm worried about our apartment tour!"

"Okay first of all, do not use my full name. Second of all if you keep flipping out and pacing around we're going nowhere. So keep your ass down. And wait."

He crosses his arms and glares at the door like it's going to make any difference. It would be adorable if I wasn't also anxiously waiting to see if he could indeed come home today. I couldn't drive with a concussion. He shouldn't be driving with how injured he is. So we agreed to take the train across to NY and it would take only about a day. Luckily there's taxis and we've been saving enough money lately to be able to make the change in plans.

A doctor comes in with his chart again, looking up at me and Wayne as he enters the room and nods a hello. "Okay Mister Munson, so I have good news and bad news."

"Bad news first. Always."

"Bad news is that you don't get your stitches out yet. They're going to have to stay in for another 2 weeks so you're going to have to come back in so we can get those out. So no strenuous activities, or you're gonna pop a stitch."

"Okay, and good news?"

"You can go home today."

His face lights up instantly. "I CAN?!"

"Yes but like I said you need to be careful..."

"I will I will. We have a trip out of town and we're just going to look at apartments so it's not going to be anything crazy. I just want to be able to go."

"As long as you're not driving I don't see why not. I'll get your release papers worked out. Shouldn't take more than another 15 minutes or so." The doctor leaves the room again to get his papers gathered and Wayne and I look over at Eddie who is basically vibrating off of the bed. "Well looks like we're outta here tonight then." I smile and begin to pack some of his stuff up, luckily it's not a lot. Wayne stops me, "Son, you're hurt too. Let me get this stuff gathered for you two. I'll drive you to the train station tonight too. Okay?"

"Thank you so much Wayne. I really appreciate it."

"After all you've done for my boy, it's the least I can do Steve. Really, it's no problem." There's no possible way I could thank him enough. This means everything to me and Eddie. It's the light at the end of it all. All the bullshit, all the pain and fighting. It'll all be gone in just a matter of weeks.

I'm lucky to have them. Wayne is more of a dad to me in these last few years than my own had ever been. He's a hell of a man, that's for sure. If I ever amount to half of the person Wayne is, I'd be lucky.

The doctor comes back in with the paperwork. Handing Eddie a prescription bottles, pain pills and antibiotics. "Now if there are any problems at all you come straight back here. I'm going to reiterate to you that you cannot do any strenuous activities son. No lifting. No running. I mean it." He looks to me, "you'll make sure he listens to that, right?"

"Yes I'll make sure he sits still and doesn't pick anything up."

"Thank you. Call me if you have any questions or concerns. My number is on the paperwork. Do not lose it, Mister Munson. I'll see you in 2 weeks." He leaves the room. I help Eddie get into the bathroom and get changed so we can leave. "They ruined my favorite shirt!"

"For fucks sake, you have at least 6 Iron Maiden shirts at home. That one was your favorite?"

"Yes! I can do this let me... ow. Let me put my own clothes on!"

"Eddie you can't lift your arms up that high you're going to..."

"Ow... fuck..."

"Baby please let me help..." He reluctantly lets me help him pull a clean shirt on, and I help put jeans on for him as well. "Hey while you're down there..."

"Munson I swear to god...remember? No strenuous activities."

"I wouldn't be doing any of the work though!"

"Let's go get your shoes on..." I roll my eyes and lead him out of the bathroom, Wayne had already gone downstairs to load up his truck with our bags. I help Eddie with shoes as well and we both make it out of the hospital. Limping the whole way.

Wayne takes us to my place and I run upstairs to grab the bags I packed for us while I went home last night. I wanted to be prepared either way, so I made sure to get things together for us to leave town. Even if it didn't happen. He takes us to the train station and I help Eddie out of the truck. "I can walk by myself darlin quit fussing over me I'm fine."

"Just let me! Please? For once let me take care of you."

"You two already argue like you're married! Have fun boys! I'll pick you up in a few days, same place right?"

"Yes! Thanks again Wayne."

We make our way to the train platform, slowly. "You ready for this?" I look over to Eddie. Who's still in a lot of pain and isn't hiding it well. But he still looks so excited. "I'm so beyond ready. Let's get the fuck out of here."

I hope everything goes as well as we want it to. I'm so excited for the change. There's only one thing standing in our way, and that's graduation for the boys. And then we're home-free. We finally are going to make it.

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